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Women: Men like curves.


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Everywhere I go I see caucasian and asian women(especially asian women) that look more like men with long hair(iggy pop). I find it absolutely gross! Why wear tight jeans if you don't have a booty or hips? The pants only make the back area look like it's sinking in. I can't speak for everyone, but I know ALOT of black and hispanic guys that won't even give women like that a second look. I'll admit I'm a booty fanatic, but is there anything wrong with wanting women to look like women? I can tell if a female has a nice behind even by looking at them from the front. I've become pretty much an expert in that department.


I blame shows like america's top model and the OC for making women think that's what men are attracted to. We wanna hold women. What's sexy about a women with less shape to her body than me? Women are into unhealthy habits to match what they see on TV. TV has changed a bit with more shows showing women that it's ok to have curvy shape. Look at Lisarae MCcoy from the UPN show all of us. That women is gorgeous, Thick, healthy and sexy. Remember ladies, it's not about having some huge sloppy behind. It's about the shape. An apple bottom. Round on the top(lower back) and round on the bottom(upper thigh). Just as long as it's proportional with the rest of the body the size doesn't matter. Men really like the figure-eight shape. That's where the waist is small and the top and bottom round out.


Don't be fooled ladies we love curves and with cuvres you'll see how much more attention you'll get from men.

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LOL. Yeah, I know all about this trend of a lot of guys liking big booty.


Guess what though...some of us were born with little bottoms. That's just how it is. We aren't all starving Marvins for men, or obsessed with retarded tv and with gaping self-esteem issues.


Small bottomed girls are rockin' IMO as much as the larger ones.


It's all taste. You like curves - awesome. Lots of chicks have that.

But thank the earth some men still dig little booty or I'd be in trouble. lol.


This whole post brought to mind a guy I once dated who loved the booty. I could tell he wanted me to pack some pounds on my arrrse but that wasn't happening. LOL. I dumped him. If the behind is that big a deal, that's sad.

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I may have small breasts but my butt makes up for it.


I'm attracted to skronny white men and only get hit on by black and spanish guys, im glad jlo glorified the booty because my skinny white boyfriend LOVES it.

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I may have small breasts but my butt makes up for it.


I'm attracted to skronny white men and only get hit on by black and spanish guys, im glad jlo glorified the booty because my skinny white boyfriend LOVES it.

That's ok. Anyone can get fake breast(yuck), but the booty is harder to pull off(keep it real). I mean it's the center of the body's gravity.

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Yay for generalizations!

What do you mean by that?


Well for one: saying that asian and white women look like men with long hair.

For two: implying that women with smaller buns and smaller breasts aren't attractive.

Three: assuming that I am a caucasian (presumably because you believe I'm not attracted to a nice shapely figure).

Four: Calling me a bisexual as if there was something wrong with that...


If your post had any merit it might be on how Holywood promotes a very unhealthy and unnatural body style and how unfortunate it is that so many young women aspire to look like it. Instead its just full of silly generalizations about racial preference and what is attractive.


I'm with amber on this one; dude you need to grow up.

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Please keep in mind that we cannot change the way we are made. You are implying that not-curvy women are not attractive, which could be offensive. I have little to no curves myself, and never had any problem in attracting the opposite sex.


First of all, we are all built in different ways, women as well as men. Second of all, when we are attracted to another person, we are attracted to very different things.


I wonder what your point is, except from making big generalizations that may not apply to all men nor all women.



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I mean it's the center of the body's gravity.

Actually the body's center of gravity is located near the stomach.


It's problem when women start looking like men.

But that's your problem, don't speak as if you've taken a vote and all the men are in on this. Not everyone feels the way you do, there are guys who like skinny girls, there are guys that like meaty girls, girls wearing pants and with short hair (eek they're so butch), whichever, women don't have to do anything to please men, all we have to do is be ourselves and enjoy who we are.

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If your post had any merit it might be on how Holywood promotes a very unhealthy and unnatural body style and how unfortunate it is that so many young women aspire to look like it. Instead its just full of silly generalizations about racial preference and what is attractive.



*clears throat*


*looks around for Dako*




let's attempt to add a little merit, shall we?


first, let me say that i have some highly attractive friends who are very slim but resemble neither the aforementioned Mr. Pop nor the talented guitarist/talentless tree climber Keith Richards. as long as a woman has no health-threatening eating disorders then i feel that she should be accepted--make that celebrated--for how she is shaped.


secondly, to judge people primarily on their outward attributes is to fall into a thinking trap that has no place in polite and rational society.


LIMT: yes... yay for bisexuals! ^_^ i admire anyone who thinks out of the box.


but one should not point the finger at Hollywood alone for the decades-long trend that made so many feel like second-class citizens. it was the fashion industry that brought this upon the world more than any other faction. it all started with a girl called Twiggy...


of course, it would be just as wrong to allow the pendulum to swing too far in the other direction! i already know someone who feels as though she is often insulted by people who find her too thin and make it their duty to tear her down for the way she looks, as if that was any more acceptable that making fun of the Rubenesque.


what we should all do, and let it happen in this thread before the mods shut it down for flaming, is promote the idea that people of all body types should be treated equally, just like people of all skin shades. i had hopes of making that point in another thread, but never got the chance.


i have found someone who meets all of my personal criteria sexually, not to mention intellectually and emotionally. that doesn't give me any desire to look down at anyone else for who they are. rather than promoting a generalized 'ideal woman', i would like to fight to end all negative bias toward anyone for anything except improper behavior.


who's with me?

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I didn't infer that at all from his comments. I gathered he was letting curvy women know that many men find that attractive, especially since the media touts the extremely thin shape as an ideal for beauty. Many curvy women are self conscious about their shape and it seemed he wanted to let them know that there are men who appreciate that. I did not get the feeling that he was denigrading less curvy women. The grow up comment was unwarranted.


Slightlybent, Dako.. comments?

Well, he is also insulting a whole lot of women:


Everywhere I go I see caucasian and asian women(especially asian women) that look more like men with long hair(iggy pop). I find it absolutely gross! Why wear tight jeans if you don't have a booty or hips? The pants only make the back area look like it's sinking in. I can't speak for everyone, but I know ALOT of black and hispanic guys that won't even give women like that a second look. I'll admit I'm a booty fanatic, but is there anything wrong with wanting women to look like women?

First of all he says Caucasian and Asian women look like men and not women. He says they are gross and shouldn't wear the clothes that they want to wear just because he thinks it doesn't look nice. Then he says that a lot of black and Hispanic guys don't like those women as if every woman like his description is supposed to go out and get boob jobs and butt implants just for them.


I'd also like to add that skinny women can have curves, too; I might only be a size 2/4, but I have hips that are curvier than those idealised by the "perfect" waist-to-hip ratio.

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Steelwool, while being expert in racial and gender characteristics, admits he has trouble distinguishing gender at some times. He also has definate requirements for all women to observe.

It would serve all women well to adopt a diet regimine that will please steelwool. We certainly don't want this spokesman for manhood to be confused by longhaired thin women of certain races.


Personally, I like women for a variety of reasons, including the incredible variations in their beauty. It's not just about sex. It's about admiring the other half of humanity for their unique traits that make them women.

I like women's bodies because they're inhabited by women.

I don't really have a physical type that attracts me, but I do have preferences for the person that inhabits that body.


My opinion on this sometimes annoys those fellows that claim to speak for all men. Ha!

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he made this post to make curvy women feel assured. made me feel better until I read all of your responses saying "I'm a size 2 and gorgeous blah blah"


you guys are doing exactly what hollywood does

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Everywhere I go I see caucasian and asian women(especially asian women) that look more like men with long hair(iggy pop). I find it absolutely gross! .


Think about it. He finds thin women absolutely gross, especially asian women. Hardly reassuring for thin asian women, is it?

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he made this post to make curvy women feel assured. made me feel better until I read all of your responses saying "I'm a size 2 and gorgeous blah blah"


you guys are doing exactly what hollywood does

That's because he said that thin women are gross, shouldn't wear the clothes they like and that they look like men. He also said that Asian and Caucasian women don't have curves and the only reason I stated my size was to prove him wrong; I am half Caucasian, half Asian, thin yet I have curves. I never said I was gorgeous; that appears to be your own assumption you made simply based upon my size. I suggest you get over your insecurities about your weight. No-one should feel insulted by a thin woman attempting to prove a bunch of insulting comments to be wrong. I am not entirely sure why you misinterpreted my defending of thin Caucasian and Asian women as me boasting about how thin I am.


Edit - And what is he doing by saying curvy women are beautiful and thin Caucasian and Asian women are "gross"? What he's preaching is no better than what Hollywood is preaching. Particularly when it is bordering on racism.

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he made this post to make curvy women feel assured. made me feel better until I read all of your responses saying "I'm a size 2 and gorgeous blah blah"


It's nice to make the curvy women feel better, but it's rude to tear down skinny women - then to make generalizations about an entire race of people based on their preferences. I'm curvy (read: FAT), and have been mocked as such, but my little sister is a size 0 and I don't need to read about just one more person belittling thin women. She's tried exercising to tone up some, only to be torn down by those jealous of her size who make fun of her for exercising. She tries wearing booty-enhancing underwear and padded bras, so she's trying just as hard to fit a stereotype as curvy women are.


It's all in the OP's delivery. One should never attempt to make a group of people feel better about themselves while tearing down a whole nother group.

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he made this post to make curvy women feel assured. made me feel better until I read all of your responses saying "I'm a size 2 and gorgeous blah blah"


you guys are doing exactly what hollywood does

He went about in a wrong way (imho).


And I think you may have missinterpreted the responses.


It's great when people look at themselves and say "I'm gorgeous." That doesn't mean people who don't look like them are less gorgeous. Thats the difference between saying "I don't have much curves, but I'm still beautiful." and "Women who don't have curves aren't attractive."


But at least the OP got people to talk about it.

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Apparently this gentleman prefers well proportioned derrieres and this is a fact by which he will swear oaths. He points that other males of the species will agree with his hypothesis. That when a female enters an establishment and it is clear that she is physically fit yet possessing a protruding backside that this effect is most pleasing to the eyes and warms the loins.

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