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I have set a few personal goals for over the summer, since I feel like I've wasted my youth away... You'd think I'd know better than just spend all day home, sleeping... But it's all I've done today. My summer is gonna be crap if this keeps up. I dunno what to do... I'm bored out of my mind, and on the verge of depression once more... I need to get out, but I dunno... I wish I could hang out with my friends and stuff, or that I could meet people somehow... I won't be able to get a job this summer (there are reasons...), and I honestly don't know what to do to stop being such an idiot... It's like I sometimes forget I don't wanna waste anymore time, and I only remember and feel horrible at the end of the day. But believe me, I don't really mean to... To completely waste 2-3 months like this... Any advice on what I could do? Should I try to contact some people:


I seriously feel pretty dumb even having to think like this... It's like maybe I don't have a life anymore after all... I seriously need to get one ASAP.

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I've found a good way to get motivated is to stop brainstorm a good plan for the summer and then to stop thinking and do it. Once you get in the habit of doing work, then you can really get motivated. Why don't you try calling up your friends to hang out with them? It's very important to remember that not everyday will be motivational, but even so, if you can get in the habit than you can well most days.

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I've found a good way to get motivated is to stop brainstorm a good plan for the summer and then to stop thinking and do it. Once you get in the habit of doing work, then you can really get motivated. Why don't you try calling up your friends to hang out with them? It's very important to remember that not everyday will be motivational, but even so, if you can get in the habit than you can well most days.


Thank you very much for your reply. I could try the brainstorm idea. But I don't know how to call these people... I mean, my bestest friends are like not in the mood to hang out anymore. And the ones I dunno so well, well I dunno how to approach it, really...

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What about volunteering for your town? My sister became a volunteer EMT (emergency medical technician). First she took the course and now she rides with the ambulance on a volunteer basis. It's just one suggestion. But it may be a way to pick up a new skill and meet more members of your community.

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What about volunteering for your town? My sister became a volunteer EMT (emergency medical technician). First she took the course and now she rides with the ambulance on a volunteer basis. It's just one suggestion. But it may be a way to pick up a new skill and meet more members of your community.


Well, I already volunteer, and I can't say it's been a good way to meet people... Perhaps I need to try somewhere else? I'll keep that in mind...


Any other suggestions?

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