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are big boobs THAT important?

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It's all in the eye of the bra-holder!! Ha ha, get it Ok, yeah I know stupid!! Aahh anywho... Seriously, go buy one of those water bras that like make you 2 sizes bigger and wear the tightest shirt you have. Walk up to him and ask him if he notices you now?? LOL !! Tell him if he can't appreciate you and what you have than you can always find another who will.

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It's all in the eye of the bra-holder!! Ha ha, get it Ok, yeah I know stupid!! Aahh anywho... Seriously, go buy one of those water bras that like make you 2 sizes bigger and wear the tightest shirt you have. Walk up to him and ask him if he notices you now?? LOL !! Tell him if he can't appreciate you and what you have than you can always find another who will.
i like that last part a lot, but wasn't much impressed with the water bra idea.


or the joke!

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Now that I come to think about it, I very rarely stop and actually notice a girl's boobs... The things I notice the most are hair, face, eyes, even butt. But boobs I very rarely pay real attention to... There are lots of hot girls out there, and up to very recently I hadn't even tried asking out a single one of them, which is bad, because chances of getting one that will say yes are slimmer the less one tries... All because I was pursuing a girl I had a crush, who wasn't even that pretty, plus she denied me... I mean, I showed her to some friends and they were surprised that I'd be attracted to her, lol. Good thing is she's different from what I expected anyways (I get this vibe she thinks she's soooooo pretty, lol). I guess I was attracted to something else about her. Dammit, I wish I had done it earlier, because now I wish I had tried other girls, but it's too late. I'll have to wait till college, or pray that somehow I get to meet people over the summer... Sucks. But back to the original topic: I don't care about boobs that much I guess... I think face/eyes are most important, though... Plus, like it's been said plenty times: I don't think that when it comes to relationships this should matter at all, cause it's so trivial. I mean, it's like a girl who'd break up with a guy cause he's not muscular enough, or his package is too small... Even when I saw 40 y/o virgin, when they made the guy get a wax on his chest, I thought that was pretty dumb... I mean if a guy's hairy, it shouldn't be that big a deal. Some people are hairy, some of us aren't... You can't change the way you're born!

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well let me be very honest.i dont want to say soothing words to you to comfort you or to make you feel any better but what i will tell you will just be the truth and nothing else.we guys really like big breast except those winny types whose mom has told that its the inner beauty that matters.if you dont believe me than just ask any sane guy to be completely honest with you for petes sake or whatever and then listen to his answer

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if you dont believe me than just ask any sane guy to be completely honest with you for petes sake or whatever and then listen to his answer


Well, it seems like a number of men have replied to this thread without supporting your opinion, but for some reason you need to extend your preference for big bazooms to all men. It's not so.

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My advice is simply Don't worry about it.


I know this may seem like an impossible answer right now but, think about it.

Not all guys like big breasts. In fact, I prefer girls with smaller breasts than larger. Put two identical girls together, one with size B cup and one with size DD cup, and I'm going to choose the size B.


Instead of feeling cursed, feel blessed. I know you may wish you were that girl with the big boobs, but do you really think that the men around her are with her for her personality, or for her two friends down there?


I'm going to end this with my motto:

Hott girls you love for sex. Cute girls are the ones you really love.

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