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are big boobs THAT important?

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I have very small breasts and constantly feel weird about it. My boyfriend barely focuses on them and I can tell he's a breast guy because he stares at other girls. I feel weird in public with him because he does this- should I end it? should I just be confident with my body? what are your opinions?

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Ah, many a question there...


Well, breasts are breasts, and a lot of people like looking at them. I do (bisexual female) for one. That's normal. It's also normal to look at other womens'...but this is where it gets more serious. I think that whilst looking is natural, looking in such an obvious way when you are with your Signif Other in public is extremely rude.


thereforeeee, what I believe your boyfriend to be doing is needlessly obviously being inconsiderate to your feelings, and you must tell him this.


The other issue is that if your boyfriend barely focusses on your breasts, that is a problem he has, not you. Breasts come in a whole range of sizes and in my humble opinion, they all rock in their own way whether you are an AA or a DD, or whatever. So really, its a bit stupid of him to ignore the pair he has in front of him (yours) and gawp at other women, especially with you around!


Any boyfriend who keeps looking at other women in an obvious way even when you have said how this hurts your feelings, and who doesn't make you feel attractive, is not worth your time.


So talk to him..and if he listens and respects you, changing his behaviour in public and being more attentive to you, then great. If not, yes..chuck him.


At 19, you probably don't like your body at all. But if you can build up your own self esteem this will help you feel better in all areas of your life.

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I have very small breasts and constantly feel weird about it. My boyfriend barely focuses on them and I can tell he's a breast guy because he stares at other girls.
first off, do an enotalone search on breasts, and you might be amazed at how popular the smaller ones are.


second, when your guy looks at large-chested women, how do you know he's wishing that you had their breasts, and not that they had your beauty and personality?


for the record, i'm a breast guy too, but my position is that a girl should have two, and they should have exactly one sensitive nipple each.

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It's not right of your boyfriend to stare at other girls, especially in front of you. Have you talked to him about how this makes you feel?


Have you talked to him about any of this?


Some guys prefer smaller breasts, some like the big ones. Just be confident with what you have. The size of your breasts mean nothing about your personality. Most guys (the non-jerky ones) would rather get to know you before worrying about what size you are.


And obviously your boyfriend isn't one of those jerky guys, but he also has to work on a few things. And really, if he isn't happy with the size you are, it's going to cause problems. He shouldn't be wishing for something else. So if he really wishes he could have bigger breasts, maybe you should let him go.


I'm on the small side of things as well. And you know, my boyfriend loves it. He really likes smaller breasts rather than bigger ones. So trust me, there are guys out there who like the smaller ones.. and who will make you feel good about who you are and your body! So just think about you right now and what's good for you. A guy who loves you, but doesn't like something about you, or a guy who loves you and every part of you.. and wouldn't dream of anything else.


But first things first, talk to him about this. See what he says.

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yes i have told him. considering when i see him do it i get mad at him the rest of the night. and he claims "we cant go out in public, you disrespect me" so i told him he's the disrespectful one and the only reason i get like that is because he stares at other women.

He denies it and after i told him, we went out and he didnt do it. THEN the next time we went out, it was back to normal. he really does it so obvious. i notice he even slows down his car sometimes. it REALLY bothers me considering I'm happy with him and i dont look at other guys.

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YAY TO SMALL BOOBS! haha i have the smallest boobs ever... Bra sizes are like never small enough for me lol. I love it tho and I don't think you should feel insecure about it. I really don't think your boyfriend should make you feel that way either. I would talk to him about the way that you feel because a good boyfriend should make you feel good about yourself no matter what flaws you have.

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Breasts should never be the most important thing in a relationship, though there does need to be sexual attraction. (I'm sure there is, since he's with you.) And just a note, it's really not that polite to stare at other people's breasts when you're with your girlfriend. Some girls it may not bother, but it makes you feel unconfident, so it's not really too nice.



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I'm a guy and I've always preferred smaller breasts myself, even really small ones. I don't know if it's just from past experience or not, but the smaller breasted woman I've been with have seemed to have had more sensitive nipples (and oddly usually bigger nipples) than their bigger breasted counterparts. And for me anyway, that's my favorite part of the breast


Besides, think of it this way, saggage is less likely to be an issue for you when you're older

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I'm a small breasted woman. And quite frankly I like it. When I was pregnant with my kids they grew quite large and honestly I couldn't stand it. They were just plain annoying....and constantly got in the way. I couldn't wait for them to shrink again!!


We all look at others, it's a fact, whether your male or female. but if he didn't want to be with YOU then he wouldn't be.

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for the record, i'm a breast guy too, but my position is that a girl should have two, and they should have exactly one sensitive nipple each. -SB


I'm uncomfortable.......


If he's doing that in front of you after you asked him not to, dude, that's just sooo not cool.


I can't tell you to dump him BECAUSE of that, but I can tell you not to expect much sensitivity from him in other areas.


If you do make the decision to dump tho, I would be in the cheering section with the pom poms screaming, "GOOOOOD CALL!!"



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for the record, i'm a breast guy too, but my position is that a girl should have two, and they should have exactly one sensitive nipple each. -SB


I'm uncomfortable.......


why, T? how many do you have? LMAO


my point, and i've said this before, was that what is appreciated by guys like me is not the volume of a breast's tissue but the fact that it is responsive to touch on its surface.


aw geez, now my classy avatar just looks pervy.

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