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Remembering a girl's birthday


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Is it a good sign if a guy remembers when a girl's b-day is? I was trying to get my boy toy to go down on me (he has hangups about it) and he said he would someday. I go "Well will you do it for my b-day, my b-day is tomorrow" and he goes "No it isn't, it's November 16." Now, I'm under the impression that guys aren't too keen on dates, especially if it's only a sexual relationship. I don't want anything more with this guy, but it was kind of nice to know that he remembered.

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Maybe he started off that way but it sounds like he might like you if he remembered you're bday cause if I was in the position of just having sex I wouldn't remember stuff like that since is utt of importance.. But hey what do I know its just a wild guess..

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You ask if it's a "good sign". In what context? You don't want him to be interested in you, and I don't see the relation between him remembering a piece of information that in a purely sexual relationship is trivial, and whether or not he will go down on you.

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i have never been in a sex-only relationship/non-relationship (depending on which post i read) nor would i care to be. and as a long-time guy myself, i was puzzled at your notion that we as a group are unable to remember dates as well as women. i have never had such a problem.


i would say this in response to your question: that in a post which otherwise looked to me like a long scarlet streamer, the fact that he remembered your birthday was a lone gold star.

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lol. Well said SlightlyBent. I'm horrible at remembering birthdays. I have trouble remembering my telephone number and have lived here a good while.


My point is: Hey, sweet of him to remember. I don't think it means anything though. Maybe he remembered so that he could make sure you didn't try to milk him for birthday 'presents' early. Maybe he's sharp.

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