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is a soul mate a real thing or made up?

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Soul mates exist! I have found mine, rather he found me! Neither of us were looking. I JUST got out of a bad relationship. After a few weeks, I knew I loved him. Critisize that all you want, but I can't see my life without him. I was afraid of marriage and having kids before I met him. Now that I'm with him, I can't wait to be married to him! I want to wake up EVERYDAY for the rest of my life next to him!


Your other half is out there!

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This article basically sums up definations and meanings.


My faith may allow that for every Adam there is an Eve, or that God has created someone special for everyone, and that person is the right person, would 'sound' like a soul-mate, although it's called wife. (Adam didn't have a priest marry him to Eve (or needed one), but she was called a wife anyway)


Personally, I don't know about dating a girl for more than a year and not marrying her, if you are dating for over a year, then maybe something is wrong with that picture. My parents married within six months, and they are still happily married.

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I've always thought that your soulmate(s) aren't necessarily the people you think they are. My soulmates are my sister and 2 other very close friends (1 woman and 1 man). I don't think your soulmate has to be a romantic figure in your life. These 3 people have always "gotten" me and know me better than I know myself. These are people I know will be with me (in one way or another) the rest of my life.

I also don't think that people have to be each other's soulmates. I think of them as people who were sent to me to give my life the guidance it needs. And just because that person was sent to guide me, doesn't mean I have what they need to guide them. That sounds strange, but it makes sense to me.

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The concept of "soulmates" was invented by femenisam, and romance novels. the sad truth is; there is no such things. People married because they needed each other to combine their resources and skills and survive and have children......Now that we are in the new millennium and we have all the toys, and don't really need eachother, except there is that little thing about "male sex drive" and female "biological clock" that we never counted on. Ya, that thing that innate drive that pushes us to find a healthy partner with the quialities to survive in the junggle. Back in the day (and to this day in some countries), people in little farm viligas with no more then 50 people, find partners, marry, and live happly ever after. While ther are many people at the age of 40 living in overpopulated areas with millions of people, and can't find a partner??? something is not right about that.


You don't bolive me...find an older (30-50) married couple and ask them if they think they are soulmates in the true sense of the word. Even If you do get the answer that they are soulmates, it probably because they are so used to eachother, adn can't imagine having to go meet people again....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going to speak up here in defense of the soulmates concept, because it is something that I am going through currently.


I have been married for 17 years. It has been a marriage of stalemates. In the early years, I was a virtual prisoner in my own home -- no phone, no car, no contact with the outside world. I spent the first several years with no one to talk to other than our baby during the day.


Things changed -- we bought a house, I got a job. But I never developed friendships in the real world. I developed them online, because people online did not care about what I looked like. They can't call you names if they never see your face.


Then, 3 years ago, I met up with some like minded people at a Science Fiction/fantasy convention. I was in heaven. I finally found people that didn't care what I looked like, or how big of a dork I was. Most of these people I still have constant contact with.


2 years ago, I met the Canadian I refer to in my user name. We connected instantly. We have so much in common, we finish each others' thoughts. He is kind, affectionate, warm, tender. All the things my spouse is not.


I have believed, for some time now, that he is my soulmate. And he believes that I am his.


But the fact that I'm married -- well that discussion belogs in another forum index on this board.


But I do believe in Soul Mates. Sometimes, it just takes us many, many years to find them.

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I used to believe strongly in soul mates when I was younger, now I am 36, my belief isn't quite as strong... I'm not sure how to answer the question. Some people go through life and never meet them and some are lucky enough and do... who knows? There will always be for and against, my heart likes to believe "yes" there is a soul mate for all us out there...

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