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Time to make some changes...


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So Im graduating on monday and I have some serious self evaluating to do.



I havn't quite figured out myself, but hopefully I will pretty soon. See, I

noticed a pattern in my life and that is to do with relationships. With

friends, I never let myself get close. With boys, I let them get there way.


This little pattern I have set for myself is going to change because I want

to change. I want to build relationships that are strong, I don't want to be alone for the

rest of my life. I want to have people in my life who love me.


I opened my eyes up finally and realized my dad isn't going to be around

forever and I need to do a lot of growing up before he passes away. Im

realizing he isn't in his best health and it wouldn't hurt me to stick around

for him while he is still here.


Im christian so I am a true believer of what the bible says, I remember my pasture preaching about how when a person gets married, its the woman who should obey the man for the most part. I am hoping that when that time in my life comes that I don't send the wrong message out and that I will keep my marrige for life instead of the so many marriges these days that ends with devorce....



The Main Thing I Would Like To Change About myself is how I may send out the wrong message to a guy. When I talk to a guy, I want to know how to send the right message to a guy so that this pattern no longer continues to run my life.



This isn't really asking for advice...Id love for some suggestions

and comments on this though, Thanks!

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it doesn't always have to be something ur doing to make them treat you that way. it could be what they want from you. i have noticed lots of dirtbags will treat women like sexual objects regardless of whether you have invited the behavior or not. and it still doesn't make what they do okay or right.

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Work on building friendships in which you can be honest with the guys first and then afterwards. The guys who aren't worth it are the ones who just want to have sex are not worth it.

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