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Do you think there'd be any way I could get proof that it's possible for women...


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Is there anything you can think of that you're "good at"? It seems like you have quite the sense of humor, have you ever tried to do anything with that? Slowly getting into stand-up comedy or theater or something of that nature could teach you how to interact with others better, give you a serious confidence boost, and allow you to meet like-minded people. And on stage you can be whoever you want!


Hmm, a new reality show maybe?


"Ross needs a date but he's too shy to leave the house."


The camera slowly pulls back from his face to reveal 100's of women trying to break into his home.



Interviewer asks; Ross, they want you what's the problem


Ross replies; I need to ask everyone how to talk to them 1st.


Interviewer; Well, it seems like they're pretty willing


Ross; Well, I want to make sure


Interviewer; Son, It looks pretty sure to me, 1/2 of them are throwing undies at you


Ross; Well, I start SA therapy in a few weeks, maybe after that.....

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Why be like that MacGuyver?


You've got to remember I've not come on here and asked for advise on how to get a girl (and if I ever have it'll be so I know what to do when I'm able too) I basically just asked about how I could find proof that it's possible for women to be attracted to me offline.


This is what always happens, I'll make a topic about something on here, and then people will start trying to give me advice (which I really appreciate) on how to get someone, I'll be honest with them and tell them why I wouldn't be able to do it or whatever, and then suddenly people start turning on me saying 'we're giving you loads of advice but you're not taking it, you just want attention', or 'you're just making excuses', or whatever


And now people like MacGuyver are taking the piss out of my situation. You're 53 dude, you should know better.

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Why be like that MacGuyver?



I basically just asked about how I could find proof that it's possible for women to be attracted to me offline.



And now people like MacGuyver are taking the piss out of my situation. You're 53 dude, you should know better.


1, you answered your own question.



2, everyone has told you that in how many threads now? and you don't listen.



3, 52, don't push it and you created the problem. The only piss, is what you want to happen. You're 30 and need someone to tell you you're ok enough looking?



We all know your ready but you won't accept it.


Time to stop w/ the oh poor me scenarios you're using for excuses, put the textbooks down and go out into reality no matter what it brings.


You will get shut down but you need to keep trying, it's not like the first girl you meet is going to marry you on the spot. You will go through many relationships before that happens. We all did.

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don't brush off alteer's excellent Toastmasters suggestion. they specialize in helping people overcome crippling shyness, and you probably will even meet a few cute shy girls that way.


Ross, which of these is more frightening to you: going out and meeting girls, or living and dying without the love of a good woman?


there are over 125 posts in this one thread alone, bro. many of them have had a great deal of thought and effort put into them, including a few of my own. what a huge waste of a lot of peoples' time (especially yours!) it will have been if you don't ever decide just to say * * * * it, yell "Geronimo!" and jump out of that plane.


it is NOT ok to stay home and do nothing because you have SA. do you agree?


btw, i have some ideas for a dating site profile for you. should i PM them or post them here?

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1, you answered your own question.





2, everyone has told you that in how many threads now? and you don't listen.


Told me what, that I'm attractive? Maybe it's you who doesn't listen then, I've talked about all the photograph crap time and time again.


3, 52, don't push it and you created the problem. The only piss, is what you want to happen.


I created the problem? How?I'm really looking forward to this explaination.


The only piss is what I want to happen? Have I ever said that is what I wanted, or is it just some random crap that got made up in your brain?


You're 30 and need someone to tell you you're ok enough looking?


Yes, read through the topic again thoroughly and maybe you'll understand why. Although I doubt you will, you obviously haven't shown that much intelligence so far, no, really.


We all know your ready but you won't accept it.


No, I'm not ready. Where did you get the so called proof that I am from?


Time to stop w/ the oh poor me scenarios you're using for excuses, put the textbooks down and go out into reality no matter what it brings.


Ignorence is bliss.


You will get shut down but you need to keep trying, it's not like the first girl you meet is going to marry you on the spot. You will go through many relationships before that happens. We all did.


I'm quite aware of that.

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As for the toastmasters, it's something I'll look into.




I've had a look on the net but the nearest ones are around 18 miles away. Do you go to it once a week or something?


Lol@McGuyver, he's been replying to my post now for 15 minutes, thinking of the comebacks must be hurting his brain.

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Yeah but surely you still need to be physically attracted to the person?

Be it a backwards logic compared to most people, I find a man attractive by his mind first, his face is is secondary. Usually after I like a man for his mind his face will be handsome to me, no matter what he looks like.

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As for the toastmasters, it's something I'll look into.




I've had a look on the net but the nearest ones are around 18 miles away. Do you go to it once a week or something?


Lol@McGuyver, he's been replying to my post now for 15 minutes, thinking of the comebacks must be

hurting his brain.


Toastmasters + Dancing and POOF, you will have enough confidence to let someone else borrow some!!



BTW, the Lol@MacGyver statement is a giant leap into confidence for you, keep it up. Don't ever be intimidated by anyone, including me. O

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just ACT like you are the world's greatest untapped resource and nobody will know the difference. once you realize that you are projecting the right vibe, then suddenly you ARE that person.


guess what? it works!


will you try that?


Ross, re-read this advice over and over while looking in a mirror many many times every day. Feel it happen as you continue doing it.




Then this part,


Yeah but I might not look like how I look to me in the mirror, when I've seen a reflection of my reflection which I assume shows how I must look to other people (it puts my face the right way round) , my face looks

assymetrical, long and not attractive, and my head looks odd shaped as well.



You're looking from a male standpoint!!! This is why I go clothes shopping w/ female friends, it's a whole new ballgame w/ them picking out stuff for me and that's what women like. Then you may get, "are you gay"? no!! I'm not gay!! "well you dress very well for a straight guy"



The women will make the decision as to what you look like and what you are projecting to them. It doesn't matter what you look like to yourself if you're neat and clean and you already said you dress w/ some style if not a lot of style by the brands you named in the other post.





Hmm, Why am I thinking he's probably going to end up writing a book in a yr. or so to help others, then get on the talk show circut, maybe even a movie and will probably start dating Angelina Jolie then dump her for Denise Richards....

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I have been attracted to men "on line" and then met them in person and not been attracted - typically because they appear more confident on line and I know that I can't see or sense their vibes/energy on line. It never surprises me when that happens which is why I keep the on line contact to a minimum - it is just a safety check- prior to meeting in person. Once in awhile it has to do with looks - and that is usually because the picture is old and since then the person has put on a great deal of weight, is 5"2 instead of 5"7 (it is mostly the lie that bothers me in that case), etc.


There is no guarantee to attraction in person. You can do things to make it more likely to happen. For me personally, good posture, an air of confidence, good hygeine/nice dresser makes a difference. Also, respecting my personal space (don't lean over the table into me, etc), a warm friendly smile that is not overbearing or overeager, and the sense that he wants to take care of me as in making sure I do not want to order more food/drink, helping me with my coat, offering to carry heavy packages, making sure that I can get home safely, etc.


I think the problem is (and I have not read most of the other posts) that you expect that attraction on line has relevance to real life. I think it has none. The times that I have been attracted in person where I was also attracted on line have happened but had little to do with the on line "persona." Being able to attract people on line isn't a bad thing but is not something to focus on or perfect - it will get you nowhere productive if what you really want is a real life relationship. For example, my boyfriend and I have a close relationship by phone and email as well as in person but it is very different.

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2, everyone has told you that in how many threads now? and you don't listen.

Told me what, that I'm attractive? Maybe it's you who doesn't listen then, I've talked about all the photograph crap time and time again.



What difference does 1 photo make? it's fine, nobody is expecting perfection and you posted 3 pics in the other thread and you look almost the same in every one so tell everyone what's the real problem? Maybe you like only 1 girl and she doesn't like you?


Okay fine, I look really nice looking in the bad pics and I look the same in all 3, it's just hard to see that, that's all. And what if I don't look like any of them in real life and I do look really bad?



3, 52, don't push it and you created the problem. The only piss, is what you want to happen.

I created the problem? How?I'm really looking forward to this explaination.

The only piss is what I want to happen? Have I ever said that is what I wanted, or is it just some random crap that got made up in your brain?



You created the problem by not doing anything to help yourself or even go out and just talk to people which will help your actual "look" in public.

Are you trying to hang out with some so called elite/cool kids crowd that won't accept you? There's more to life than that.


I am doing things to help myself.


Enough people have told you what is needed time and time again.

Confidence can e had by anyone no matter how shy they are.


This is what I want to work on.


You're 30 and need someone to tell you you're ok enough looking?

Yes, read through the topic again thoroughly and maybe you'll understand why. Although I doubt you will, you obviously haven't shown that much intelligence so far, no, really.



How many people need to say it? Do you have a quota to meet with answers?


If you must know, I have a very high IQ, it's the 99.996 percentile group.


Read my first response in this post.


We all know your ready but you won't accept it.

No, I'm not ready. Where did you get the so called proof that I am from?



From counseling and helping many many people similar to you.

There is no set mold anyone has to fit, be an individual in any way you want but tell yourself "I'm fine, who cares what some people think, I can't please everyone".


You're a counseller and yet you make fun of me and my situation. Doesn't really seem like the right kind of attitude a counseller should have.


Anyway, I'm sorry, it doesn't matter if you have counselled similar people to me. I am not ready, there's no way I could just suddenly jump outside now, go to the pub and sit in there on my own all night and go walking up to strange women trying to talk to them. Honestly dude, there's absolutley no reason for me to lie.


The attitude of "I'm fine, who cares what some people think, I can't please everyone" is a good attitude and one that I have, I didn't have it always but it was something I found out myself. Still, not being accepted, ridiculed, treated badly or whatever (online it doesn't bother me, it's offline when it does) still manages to somehow feel absolutley soul crushing and destroys my self esteem and any confidence that I have. To the point where I don't even want to go out any more. Why I'm that sensitive I honestly don't know.


Time to stop w/ the oh poor me scenarios you're using for excuses, put the textbooks down and go out into reality no matter what it brings.

Ignorence is bliss.



I'm far from that




You are to an extent with my situation.





Lol@McGuyver, he's been replying to my post now for 15 minutes, thinking of the comebacks must be hurting his brain.


I had to go to the store for cigs, fags? you call them.


Yeah, a lot of people call them fags over here, personally though I just call em cigs myself, I'm trying to give up completely.


You will need at least 3 PhD's to help you if you want to take me on brain wise



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I'd just like to say, I am taking on board everything that everyone is saying. And I have actually saved all of these pages. Some things that have been said actually have made a lightbulb go ping in my head, like the confort zone thing and whatever.


So thanks guys, it is appreciated.

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1, Okay fine, I look really nice looking in the bad pics and I look the same in all it's just hard to see that, that's all. And what if I don't look like any of them in real life and I do look really bad?



2, You're a counseller and yet you make fun of me and my situation. Doesn't really seem like the right kind of attitude a counseller should have.


3, still manages to somehow feel absolutley soul crushing and destroys my self esteem and any confidence that I have. To the point where I don't even want to go out any more. Why I'm that sensitive I honestly don't know.


1, are the pics current and of you? We're all judging those pics because you said they areof you. The answers could be different if they do not look like you.



2, I never made fun of you but reasoning hasn't worked so far so "toughlove" is what you're getting now. think, Good cop/Bad cop



3, you're not alone, we all have that problem to one extent or another.

someone else posted "desensitize" and you need to understand that you will not be accepted by everyone. Deal with the people who accept you for what you are and the interests that you have and can share.


I'm not familiar w/ how everyday life is over there so;

What type of neighborhood do you live in? low/middle/upper class?

type of people around you?


the Girls go for what type?

the Guys are brutal or reasonable?

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1, are the pics current and of you? We're all judging those pics because you said they areof you. The answers could be different if they do not look like you.


Yes, they're all current and of me


2, I never made fun of you


It totally came accross like that.


but reasoning hasn't worked so far so "toughlove" is what you're getting now. think, Good cop/Bad cop


Okay fair enough, you do seem like an okay dude.



3, you're not alone, we all have that problem to one extent or another.

someone else posted "desensitize" and you need to understand that you will not be accepted by everyone. Deal with the people who accept you for what you are and the interests that you have and can share.


The thing that scares me is what if I can't be desensized by experiencing it all the time. Going through it all for weeks or months or whatever wouldn't be so bad and I think it would be doable if I knew I was going to come out of it at the other end better and not having that kind of thing bothering me anymore. But it's basically impossible if you don't know if it will definatley work and the fact is I could come out of it at the other end even more 'damaged'.


I think the thing that would really help me is that realising the way people treat you doesn't reflect you as a person or how you come accross to other people. Then I guess it wouldn't effect my self esteem of confidence for a start once I really believe it. But is that really true though. It kinda feels like most people haven't been treated as badly and/or as often or in the same way as I've been.


I'm not familiar w/ how everyday life is over there so;

What type of neighborhood do you live in? low/middle/upper class?

type of people around you?


the Girls go for what type?

the Guys are brutal or reasonable?


Neighbourhood is a mix between middle and lower.


The type of people around me are totally not my kind of people.


The majority of the older ones seems very friendly, most of the younger people seem to be just * * * * *s though, who enjoy making comments and doing stuff at you or whatever.


The girls mainly seem to either go for the alpha males, or ones who have the nice car, nice job, earns a lot of money, go getter.


Like I've said, feel like I don't have anything in common with the guys round here and they have a totally different lifestyle. Most seem to either think they're really great or they're just * * * * *s who like hurling abuse or whatever.

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1, are the pics current and of you? We're all judging those pics because you said they areof you. The answers could be different if they do not look like you.

Yes, they're all current and of me


even if they are "glamor" pics, you're fine and the girls around here (I'm near Newport, Rhode Island) would attack you on sight, that would be the good kind of attack and that's no B/S either



>I think the thing that would really help me is that relaising the way people treat you doesn't reflect you as a person or how you come accross to other people.


Yeah!you're learning.




>Neighbourhood is a mix between middle and lower.


so you may even have gangs etc.?




>The type of people arond me a totally not my kind of people.





>The majority of the older ones seems very friendly, most of the younger people seem to be just *** though, who enjoy making comments and doing stuff at you or whatever.


Welcome to reality, that can take some braveness to get to the top of that pack, but you don't want that.....



>The girls mainly seem to either go for the alpha males, or ones who have the nice car, nice job, earns a lot of money, go getter.


Thats the same all over, here is where you need to set yourself apart from the pack and toastmasters or dancing lessons can help in those areas.


Punk jerks don't usually dance and as such the girls who do dance are more into being with "nice guys" since sometimes you're very close when dancing and the girls are really picky about the guys who they can trust to be a gentleman to do that with. This is why women love guys that can actually dance.




>Like I've said, feel like I don't have anything in common with the guys round here and they have a totally different lifestyle. Most seem to either think they're really great or they're just who like hurling abuse or whatever.


Insults are usually hurled by people to make up for inadequate personalities and usually small manhoods....

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Ross, i'm noticing that you say "what if" a lot.


"what if" i look different than i do i my mirror image (what about your pics?)


"what if" nobody will ever like me (the odds are unrealistic; there are plenty of married people who are nowhere near as good-looking as you)


"what if" i can't think of something to say to a girl (awkward pauses happen to everyone, and you're not so thick that you would just stand there forever)


"what if" i can't be desensitized (well, find out!!!)


catch yourself next time you start to say that. stop what-iffing, and start why-notting.

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Holy smokes!! 1,500 reads in less than 2 days. Ross, you certainly know how to get attention to yourself.


I have a foolproof trick if you indeed think you are ugly. I was going to use it myself. Find 4 ugly guys with no fashion sense and chronic bad breath, plan a night out on the town and hit the club scene. I guarentee you'll be the hot guy of the group. But if your confidence is really low, make sure your friends are near you at all times so that you will continuously look hot hot hot.


If you took that advice seriously, you need help.


If you saw how ridiculous that advice is, then you have to look at your perception of yourself and your looks in the same way.


See yourself as an individual, not as a guy among the pack.

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even if they are "glamor" pics, you're fine and the girls around here (I'm near Newport, Rhode Island) would attack you on sight, that would be the good kind of attack and that's no B/S either


I can't see that, I mean, attraction is universal not cultural (as far as looks is concerned anyway)


so you may even have gangs etc.?


Yeah there's gangs just like everywhere else, but I've never heard of any 'big' or notorious ones.


>The type of people arond me a totally not my kind of people.




What do you mean? Like, that's my answer for why I can't get a woman?




Ross, i'm noticing that you say "what if" a lot.


I guess.


"what if" i look different than i do i my mirror image (what about your pics?)


I also (well, at least to me) look really bad in some of my pics as well.


"what if" nobody will ever like me (the odds are unrealistic; there are plenty of married people who are nowhere near as good-looking as you)


Well I know some people do like me, as for being attracted to me, well I've seen no evidence of that offline.


"what if" i can't think of something to say to a girl (awkward pauses happen to everyone, and you're not so thick that you would just stand there forever)


To be honest there have been times where I've just sat there forever with someone, a lot of times with a lot of people I do find it very hard to carry along a conversation, and just end up not being able to think of anything to say whatsoever.


"what if" i can't be desensitized (well, find out!!!)


I don't think I can do it unless there's a really good chance that I can.


catch yourself next time you start to say that. stop what-iffing, and start why-notting.


I'll try.


Kyoshiro Ogari


Holy smokes!! 1,500 reads in less than 2 days. Ross, you certainly know how to get attention to yourself.


I have a foolproof trick if you indeed think you are ugly. I was going to use it myself. Find 4 ugly guys with no fashion sense and chronic bad breath, plan a night out on the town and hit the club scene. I guarentee you'll be the hot guy of the group. But if your confidence is really low, make sure your friends are near you at all times so that you will continuously look hot hot hot.


If you took that advice seriously, you need help.


How come? If I knew a few ugly people who I could go out with that'd be a good idea. I'd be so scared of them being hit on and me not getting hit on though, that'd be soul crushing.


If you saw how ridiculous that advice is, then you have to look at your perception of yourself and your looks in the same way.


See yourself as an individual, not as a guy among the pack.


I think I do see myself as an individual and not as a guy among the pack.

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'"I'd be so scared of them being hit on and me not getting hit on though, that'd be soul crushing."


Ross, buddy... i gotta hand it to you, you are the absolute master at finding the one possible tragic outcome in every known scenario.


just for once, though, sit back and allow yourself to think of what it will be like when you DO triumph over your negative mind script. don't rush to reply too quickly, i want you to back away from the computer for a few minutes first and really imagine how victory will feel.

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I can't see that, I mean, attraction is universal not cultural (as far as looks is concerned anyway)



>The type of people arond me a totally not my kind of people.




What do you mean? Like, that's my answer for why I can't get a woman?


No, attraction is not universal, it is cultural, especially for men trying to meet women. Women can cross culture easily if they're good looking and dress well, Guys really can't. Women usually want a guy with money and/or power, it's in their genes and is sad but true. You never see a poor ugly woman with a rich guy but you will always see hot looking "poor" women with those same rich men.



If you you were the leader of the local gang/clique etc., you would have any of the girls you want but you're not even in the running as far as the status for your area is. You would need to take on or fight the Alpha male to get the girls to really notice you and that wouldn't be a very wise idea unless you take a lot of martial arts classes.




Bingo = If you don't "fit in" with the crowd, then no, you're fighting a losing battle in that area. Find people in another area who are more like you to do things with. You need your own Alpha male gimmick/style etc. to lure them to you. Let's face it, what girl is going to leave dating a higher ranking gang type person for an avg. person?


Are you in a skilled labor/craftsmen job? Office Exec.? and making a lot of money? No? Then you need "something to set you apart" from everyone else. This is why people take up/are good at hobbies, dance, flying, racing, sports etc., common interests are ways to meet like minded people and we've been telling you this for a reason, you need something to offer them that they will notice. The successful guys all have something that the women want to brag about to their friends (no, it doesn't have to be money) and they will chase you if you have what they want.



There is a movie called "Just one of the Guys" (10-15+ yrs old) watch it a few times, it will sink in. It's about social acceptance from a girl's point of view who is dressing like a guy for a newspaper story, learns how guys get picked on and see's the other point of view.



If I walk into a new club where nobody knows me I'm just another guy. But, If I spot a girl who looks like she can dance like me and ask her to dance it instantly changes how other girls see me and that now sets me apart from the other guys, then both sexes are usually asking " * * * kind of dancing was that"?


Dancing was just another skill I added to what I can do. I HAD 2 left feet and never really danced before but I learned 3 types of swing dance in 1.5 yrs. and am still taking lessons for advanced moves. It will take most people around 1-3 months to get the basics and 6 months to be decent at any type of dance. Experienced dancers are always eager to help new people because it's a "community" of dancers sharing the same interests.




Normally everyone dances at the same time, this is a swing jam circle, basically a time to have fun and show off a bit one couple at a time.

link removed


tons of other swing dance clips here, link removed

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'"I'd be so scared of them being hit on and me not getting hit on though, that'd be soul crushing."


Ross, buddy... i gotta hand it to you, you are the absolute master at finding the one possible tragic outcome in every known scenario.


But that's what always seems to happen whenever I have the sinking gut feeling about it. I think if I did manage to find a load of guys that were more ugly than me (how would I know though?) and we all went to a club, the obvious outcome would be that none of us would get hit on.


just for once, though, sit back and allow yourself to think of what it will be like when you DO triumph over your negative mind script. don't rush to reply too quickly, i want you to back away from the computer for a few minutes first and really imagine how victory will feel.


Here's what I imagine it'd be like... just always giving myself false hope and always being soul crushingly disappointed. This is what used to happen A LOT when I was younger. But, I dunno, maybe I still didn't feel things positively in my gut and that's what I need to do, instead of just thinking of things in a logical way and thinking 'because of XY & Z, then logically it should happen' and holding onto that thought yet still having that gut feeling of just knowing it wont turn out good or how you want it too.


As for victory as in getting a women, it'd be amazing, I'd feel like a near enough dead plant being given water and bursting back to life, it'd be so good for my well being, I'd feel so happy.


Inside right now I just feel shriveled up and dead. If just once a woman would desire me, if just once I could actually have a woman and put my arms round her. And yes of course I really need the sex too.

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1, the obvious outcome would be that none of us would get hit on.



2, I still didn't feel things positively in my gut and that's what I need to do, instead of just thinking of things in a logical way and thinking 'because of XY & Z, then logically it should happen' and holding onto that thought yet still having that gut feeling of just knowing it wont turn out good or how you want it too.


3, As for victory as in getting a women, it'd be amazing, I'd feel like a near enough dead plant being given water and bursting back to life inside, it'd be so good for my well being, I'd feel so happy.



1 Only Alpha males get hit on by the girls, you need to be more of an Alpha male. Don't expect women to come to you until you have something they want.


2 Gut?? it's your worst enemy. It won't turn out good until you decide to set yourself up to actually talk to a girl, get rejected, learn then keep trying. You will not make out on every attempt, nobody does. We learn to shrug it off when it happens.



3 Guess what, you need to learn how to be bold and walk up to women 1st. Pick girls you aren't really interested in so you won't care about the outcome and keep practicing while working your way up to what you really want in a woman after the confidence building you got from the others.

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