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I dont know what to do....


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Man, there is this girl that i've been haingin out with lately. She is soooo nice to me which is kinda rare. She is also very beautiful, but my problem is that I want to kiss her really bad. Not like a "make out" kind of kiss, just kind of a peck on the lips. BUT I CANNOT GET OVER MY SHYNESS. This girl is really good for me. Someone give me some advice on my situation. I dont know what I should do

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if u r dating her its ok to kiss her that too only a normal light friendly..

mm.. why dont u first find out her feelings also? like try to get close to her when u r sitting with her anywhere and see whether she moves away from u or always keeps a distance with yu.. then u can sense her feelings like whether she is positive for ur kiss ok.. and if yu get to know she is saying yes then just give a light kiss and not french plzz.. it can spoil ur relation ok..


Good Luck!!

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Really Dude it's cool! You just look this chick right in her big beautiful eyes and flirt. Wink at her. But play cool too. You don't want to give her the impression that you are desperate!!


Tell her you'll need her phone number so that you can call her later in the week and maybe get together for some fun! Then when you actually get the number, don't call her right away or you'll spook her off. Wait for three or four days then call--WITH A PLANNED DATE!!! Make sure you get the details of wha you two will be doin. Then when you call her you can say, "Such -n- such is at wherever and I'd like to take you." Avoid saying "Uhh" and "Ummm".


Dress Nice for the date and DON'T BE LATE!!!


Think of some intersting topics to talk about, but don't talk about you too much. Talk about her. If she ask about you, tell her but don't go on and on. That turns chicks off!! Keep a little mystery about yourself!


Since your confidence is in need of an overhaul, you might want to look into sites on the net that give you ideas of raising your self-esteem. Women love confidence!!!


Now go be a stud and get that number!!


Sage Eagle

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