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why? o why?


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why....did all that happened to me happen to me?


but that's not even important.


why did it take so LONG for me to want to deal with it? for me to realize that the factor that had to change, was ME?


why did it take me until age 26? to realize that i did not have the emotional coping tools I needed in life? that i had to make changes in the way I dealt with problems and issues and everyday concerns?


GAH! why have i been such an idiot?


I truly truly mourn the loss of time and how much better my life could have been. I feel so old lately.......gah.


I wonder why I didn't see it sooner. It's not too late is it?

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Hey teacup, you're not old. You're only 26. At least you are realizing what you are lacking in life and what you need to learn. You are still very young and have your whole life ahead of you. It's never too late or too old to learn about how to cope with life and develop life skills. Now that you know what you need to do, do it and then enjoy the rest of your life with your newfound skills.

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it's true, i didn't have anyone to teach me.


today, my brother called me with some WONDERFUL news. i was so happy for him. he is a lot younger than me. but sometimes he also reminds me of me when i was his age. and now i am able to help him out, give him the support, positivity, reassurance, advice, and someone to turn to. all of which i didn't have. i like to think that part of the reason why he is doing so well (of course a lot of it is his own contribution) is because he has ppl to turn to.


it just made me sad because i think, how much better i could have been, if i had only received what i needed at the time. but now i just have to give it to myself. it's nice i can help my brother out.....but i sure wish someone had been there to lend me a hand.


it's kind of a paradox. it's weird. on one hand i feel so old, like i have not accomplished enough in 26 yrs, where has the time gone? on the other hand, it's weird to realize that I have hit rock bottom at 26 and have to start all over again with making new friends, school, career, money, and everything else. (seems almost like a young age to hit bottom). u know what i mean?

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It's not too late, if you're willing to change it's never too late.

As long as you allow yourself to grow and learn from your past, the future will be better. If you don't have the tools to cope with your pain you need to find someone who can teach you and help you. It will take time and sometimes healing will be as painful as the trauma, but don't give up.

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Teacup, I know what it's like. I feel old too sometimes - why did it take me so long and what I have I accomplished? Everyone else at times seems to know what I never learnt, to live what I never had, to be blessed where I had to struggle.

Life is unfair, and we each get our hand. We do what we can with it.

I'm starting afresh. I really am. I lost a big chunk of time.


Try to focus on what you're doing now. The old 'if only...' is just the negative cycling thoughts again. It'll just drag you down and waste MORE time.


It's not too late. Still a full life ahead. The important thing is NOW. Some people never ever figure these things out. Feel proud and happy that you see it now, are changing the stuff that doesn't serve you, and things are getting better.


Enjoy yourself. Be nice to you - you deserve it!

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I sincerely think we all have times when we're starting over. Everyone has setbacks with health, relationships, family strife, finances, and other difficult problems. Yours is happening at a relatively young age.

You can have a good future and be happy, one step at a time.

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The only way to move forward in life is to do just that. Quit ruminating about the past and things you have done or have not done. If you want to accomplish certain goals than make them and quit the "whow is me" attitude. We have all had the pity parties for ourselves and we all have left that party because it is not very fun and you don't get much out of it.


As my friends tell me and I tell people in return "Buck up!"

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You made a mistake in the past and you realised that. Don't make another mistake by obsessing over the years that you've lost. It's time to think of the future and enjoy yourself, make new friends, etc.


Good luck and take care.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't dwell on the past too long. Focus on the present and hope the future will be good. Learn from your mistakes and fix your attitude. A lot of people don't find out things until much later. You're pretty lucky. Some people go through their whole life not knowing what to live for. Instead of thinking about the past, pay attention to what you have right now.

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