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what to do when PMS makes you a B word?

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First of all, just keep your rants and raves to yourself, and don't take it out on others!


WORK OUT! Seriously, helps a lot.


And if you find yourself flipping out....take a time out on yourself. Tell your partner or family you need a few minutes to think. Then decide whether it is REALLY something you should be flipping out about in the first place. Usually it isn't


Good nutrition, exercise, also help reduce symptoms and stress from PMT.

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Time for the Pre-menstral warning system. Let those you know that are close to you and may be affected by your wrath that it is that time in your cycle again. This way they wont do anything stupid and get hurt LOL


Oh, and drink lots of water. Exercise..

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Yeah, I do cardio kickboxing and when I'm stressed or upset, I just focus on working out and it helps a lot and I feel better.


At the place the martial arts place, I went to a mediation workshop and I think I'm gonna try and do meditation once a week at least. It helps you to think clearly and just focus on yourself.

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I agree with the working out part, or getting out and getting some type of exercise, even if nothing but a walk or take a bike ride. I usually do anything to get out and get some fresh air and a change of scenery from being around the house and people, when I start feeling the PMS coming on.



Just be glad you are not at the perimenopausal point in your life like I am. It is almost like having PMS all the time.

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thanx you guys! ugh....but the LAST thing I feel like doing is working out!!! I get EXTREME faigue and dizzy. But I'm going to try and force myself to go to the gym right now! hopfully I won't yell "get off of that machine it's MY turn!!!!!" hahahaha.

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I have a big problem with PMS. What I've tried doing is FAKING being happy and fine. It helps me get into that mentality. However, it's hard to when I'm alone because it's overwhelming. Considering what it can do to others around you after a while (the whole attitude that comes with PMS) then just fake happy and give yourself a few moments to process everything in your head before making reactions.


I don't know much about this: but there's supposedly massaging oils for PMS. You can use them yourself-- I think it's the scent that can calm you. Even if it's not that, I wouldn't doubt there's scents that could calm PMS. I haven't researched into it further than reading there are some, so I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions of what kind.

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As far as personality getting * * * * *y mine doesn't, for me it's more like an extreme restlessness, a day or so before, often that's how I know it's about to start, and then on either the first or the second day of, sometimes I have a one day extreme fatigue/ migraine/ cramps-from-hell...sucks. But at least I know it's only temporary.

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The contraceptive pill works for some women. It's prescribed for period problems as well as stopping you having kids..think about it?

I don't think that works for moods though, I think it's just to help irregular periods.

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I don't think that works for moods though, I think it's just to help irregular periods.


Not really true, it can in many women alleviate PMT symptoms by regulating your hormones.


However there are also many cons/risks/side effects that may make it a less attractive option for you too. And some women get worse mood affects like depression and anxiety from it.

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I've tried everything I think for my pms moods - diet, excercise, faking it. Haven't really found any of it to work that well though. Now I just try to controll it as best I can. Time out. Shut myself away until the urge to yell at someone subsides.


The problem in my household is that I have a 14 yr old daughter and (as with most girls living together) our cycles are the same, and she's lethal. It's hell for my 11 yr old son! He has learnt very early in life to just keep his mouth shut for a week every month. In fact he pretty much stays in his room. Poor kid.

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I started taking the pill specifically for relieving my PMS and messed up cycle. I like taking hot showers to help with the muscle tension. And one thing that does help is masturbation, the main reason you get cramps is the muscles used to expel the menstrual fluid are only used when you orgasm or menstruate, work them out more and they'll be in better shape and cause you less pain.

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Aw hun, I feel your pain!! I'm not the same each month, usually I'm just a bit over-emotional, but every three or four months or so I go comletely mad from PMS


Taking a moment to think about whether I'm flipping out about something I SHOULD be flipping out about will work at any other time when I'm upset, but when I have 'evil' PMS I'm completely irrational but unfortunately fully believe that I'm being rational and that the world is out to get me... meh It sucks, and I haven't found a solution for me yet. Two suggestions:


1) Do try going on birth control pills. I was on them between 16 and 21, and NEVER suffered PMS. I had to stop because I was reacting badly to the hormones physically, and it was only after that that I developed these horrendous bouts of PMS. I didn't even have the mild PMS that I get every month now when I was on the pill.


2) I just can't bring myself to give up things like coffee (though I certainly would if I was that bad every month!), but a lot of websites claim you can improve PMS with diet - just google 'PMS diet' and you get about 3 million hits. Don't know how much scientific research has been done into this though.



Best of luck!



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