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What Can I send to her???


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This girl I have been dating for 8 months now is away at training for work. She is there for a total of 3 weeks, couped up in a hotel. I have sent her soem things to help her get through it. The first day she got there I had a Care package waiting for her with some of her favorite things. By the end of the week I had flowers sent to her. Week 2, I sent a message in a bottle to the desk with a note in it and also a pouch that said

"I love..."on the outside. On the inside had a bunch of stones that said a word (you, your smile, holding your hand...etc). I had the staff give them to her stating that they found the bottle and pouch in the river (lame, I know).


What can I send her for week 3? I have run out of ideas. Anyone have any cute, romantic, sweet suggestions? Thanks!

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You have great intentions, hb23; but I tend to agree with heloladies. You've already done enough--the care package, the flowers and the message in the bottle (not lame by the way, very sweet and thoughtful).


It's not that women don't appreciate kindness, sweetness and thoughtfulness like yours. But if you give it in smaller doses, it is always a nice surprise and it does not become something that is just expected. Think about it.

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You have great intentions, hb23; but I tend to agree with heloladies. You've already done enough--the care package, the flowers and the message in the bottle (not lame by the way, very sweet and thoughtful).


It's not that women don't appreciate kindness, sweetness and thoughtfulness like yours. But if you give it in smaller doses, it is always a nice surprise and it does not become something that is just expected. Think about it.


I agree, absolutely. Don't de-value the sweetness and thoughtfulness of your gifts by overdoing it. You could, however, cook a nice dinner for her upon her return.

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Also, I'm a bit confused. In one of your threads in March, it seemed you were single? But yet you've been dating this girl for eight months?


And if that's the same girl from another thread you wrote in March who already told you upfront she can't seriously commit, I definitely say don't overdo the gifts. You're going to make it look like you can't think about anything other than her when she's away.

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Maybe take a picture of a heart and write a poem or personal note, tear it into pieces and send her a few pieces at a time. A puzzle and a love letter


Wow. That made me laugh! Sounds a little psychotic. "Why is he sending me his trash?"

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Scout...gosh you are right. I was singl ein March and still am. We have been dating since October, and when i say Dating, I mean liek BF/GF. We do everything together, pretty much 4-5 times a week. We spend the night with each oher, go out to dinner, bars, hang out with friends, the works. She moved here in September from CO after breaking up with her BF. HE moved to Cali she moved to the east coast. She wasn't expecting to date anyone or develop feelings for someone (me)...but she did. She has a lot of feelings for me but will not get inot a serious commited relationship with me (1. she was with her ex for 3 years, lived together, etc.) she says that when she is in a relationship she puts 110% into the relationship and no less. She doesn't feel as if she can give me 110% because yet...I said I woul dhave a hard time wanting to be in a relationship with her because I woul dhate it if she told me that she wanted to go see her ex or whatnot...she said thats why she cannot give me 110%. She is also moving for her job, about 1 and half away, which makes it difficult. I love this girl and it sucks. I know she has a lot of feelings for me, and Ideally wants to be with me, but as she said the timing is off right now. We are both in different places I guess. She thinks I am an amazing guy and has admitted to wanting to be in a relationship with me. When I ask her what my status is, single or taken, she says a little bit of both. I know she gets jealous when girls talk to me when we are out. When I go out with my friends she always texts me "I am thinking of you"...so its all very difficult to take. Anyone share some advice?

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