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how would you react if


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OMG if I would have found out for sure my b/f (now ex I broke up with) was cheating on me, both him and her would have prollie been with broken bones and fractures right now. I tend to be very fisty and can be extremely violent if someone messes with me, plus know how to fight, wrestle, etc.

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Yeah I think screaming, yelling, getting even isn't the best idea. I guess I kind of see it as letting them win. Making them get an even bigger ego..thinking "Heck yeah, I had that much control over his/her life to make them go insane."


Like if my boyfriend is/was cheating (I have had my worries), I would probably just say to myself. That he wasn't good enough for me, and he obviously doesn't care about me. I deserve someone who does care. So HE woudln't be worth the time of freaking out.


Then again I aslo see, not freaking out, as getting back at them as well. It's like saying to them "Fine, you cheated, there is nothing I can change about that, I don't need you I'll find better." And go out into the dating scene.


If I was a cheater and my bf/gf found out, and just stopped talking to me and started dating and getting on with life right away. It would piss me off horribly!


Then again I just hope this doesn't happen to me.

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i'd be hurt really bad, i'd probably throw a tantrum and be upset


simple. get angry. get even (within the confines of the law)


Go and date as many people asap, and move on with life. I would probably never talk to them. I would be too disgusted to even regard them as having a conscience. Sometimes I wonder why they would be capable of love or even deserve a chance to love/ and be loved.

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Well, since we have 3 kids together I would just accept it and try to remain "friends" for the kids sake.


I've been cheated on by boyfriends and was very hurt, etc. but got over it although it took a long time in one case...


I think it all boils down to self-esteem... You've got to believe that you deserve better than that and if you don't feel that way about yourself get counseling!


I am 45-years-old and have been through a lot of difficult relationships. I use to think I wasn't good enough or that a certain man was my last chance for happiness but it just isn't true.... I wish I could spare all you young ones out there of the pain I've been through. My only advice is "be good to yourself and you are worthy."

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