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I Feel Like I'm Being Pressured to Date...


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I'm 15 years old, in the 9th grade and lately in school the only thing that everyone's been talking about is getting to 3rd base with their girlfriend/boyfriend. I've never really had a boyfriend, I've never done anything besides kiss a guy, and right now I don't feel the need to have a boyfriend. At least not yet, maybe senior year or in college.


It just bothers me sometimes because everyone is always talking about their boyfriend feeling up on them and stuff, and they're like, "Why don't you have a boyfriend," "You should go out with ..." "Want me to hook you up?" and people will even like start things about me, like that I like someone so he'll ask me out. ANd like the dances at school, I usually go with friends or guy friends and everyone makes such a big deal about it. And I know I'm not too young to date now, I just don't want to. And I know living in today's world, it's like expected of me. So I guess thing was just a rant, but I wish it wasn't such a big deal.

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Do what you feel comfortable doing. If they all jumped off a bridge would you? Its your life and you are the only person who has the right to make these decisions. Peer pressure can be tough, but when it comes down to it, there is so much waiting in life beyond high school or middle school. The people who feel they need to push you do something you don't want to do are not real friends. A real friend would respect your choices and accept you for who you are.

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No you should do what's comfortable for you, and don't worry about your friends. Hey I have a friend she's 21 and just only recently had her first kiss. And she's really cool and pretty and all that. Girly, you should be your own person. And personally, I recommend that you wait for quite a few years, before you start getting into sexual stuff...

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