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You meet a girl and start seeing each other. Everything is great and you are head over heels for each other. You meet the family, hang out with her, go to her family functions, stay at her place. Things are swell and it looks like it's going in a good direction. You don't rush into it but take it slow. you both agree it's going great and at a nice pace. She decides to head back to school and tells me can't promise anything. She tells me im rushing her into something she can't give (relationship) which i never mentioned. She says that she does not want to be friends, totally cuts me off, blocks my cell number, blocks me on messenger. I'm totally confused and hurt. 2 months down the road i'm still hurt and i miss her but i know that i'm nothing to her, just a distant memory. So in short i'm very hurt, i lost weight, i could not eat, my family was worried as i went into a state of depression. So in short even though it seems like it is going well, know that it can always turn on you in a dime

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hiya hunni!


im sorry to tell you this coz it might upset you but i dont think shes worth it! she must have met someone else or just doesnt feel she can feel for you or something. And also if she doesnt want to keep in contact wiv you by using NC then i guess you should just try and get over her sweetie.. the easiest way is to join a clo you love best and find newer friends and you never know you could meet you soul mate too.. the one that suits you best!


well i hope what i have said is ok for you and i havent said anything discriminated against anyone good luck and take care *hugs*

luv frankee x x

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i cant really say anything because im in a similar situation. But right now im trying to think of it as, im glad of what we had it was fun while it lasted so let it be, if it really was meant to be, it will be

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I don't mean this to sound harsh, but is she worth you been upset? She cut you off completely! Do even want to know someone like that?


To be honest it's so rude to cut you off with no explanation. You sound like a lovely person! Don't let her bring you down when you deserve better.


As Ta_ree_saw said, it's an issue with her not you.


Take care,


Miya xx

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for someone that supposedly love you to suddenly just ignor you is extermely hard to handle. the only advice i can offer you is that they just dont know or aren't able to handle being in a relationship right now. The problem is with them and not you. You have to remember that. It is their short falling. There isnt anyone else, it is just the don't know how to handle it.

So, dont beat yourself up. You hve to look at yourself and say that you have been honest, you have tried with the relationship and that you did nothing wrong. She just wsnt strong enough for the relationship that might have followed. It is a pity, but it is her fault.

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