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Jealousy among women


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I mean jealousy among women.


Why are they so mean to each other if they do not look the same when it comes to beauty or when it comes to men?


Are women that catty as others say they are?


Why don't men act the same way?


Some of these women are cunning enough to steal another woman's man?


crazy but true.


I think women's relationship should be healthy but they are not to me and can prove detrimental.


What do you think?

Or believe?

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Well, I've had bad experiences with my female friends in the past. I prefer my male friends. It seems to me women dress up to impress other women. Guys don't seem to care about that stuff. I have 2 close female friends and the rest I keep at arm's length. This is not due to jealousy, but most women I know are back-stabbing.. with a smile.

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yes.. many women can be jealous of other women. most wormen like to look better than others and if they dont then they have that jealousy among them and thats when all the * * * * *yness happens or its also if a gurl is jealous of your guy too or other guys you know or hang with they want to then hang with you or get jeaous over you.

well above i have explained why woman are catty. lol


Men dont get as much as jeaous as woman bevcause they dont worry about how they look or who they have to be with to look good.. theres too much chilishness and * * * * *ness nowadays in woman (which sometimes i can be * * * * *y too but who isnt.. its only when someone starts on me).

and finally yes some women are * * * * *es coz they want to try and get the right guy even if they have to spoil someone elses realtionships! women can be like that.. thats why i prefer to get along with men more they understand you more too and dont judge you either!


well i hope this explains your quiestions lol


speak soon *hugs*

luv frankee x x

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I feel the same way.


I too prefer male friends over female.


I have two female buddies but I can not trust them because of that secret competition that is subliminally placed in the back of their minds. They claim that they are not really doing it but they are unconsciously.



I also hate the concept that "women dress for other women".


i am not here to impress you another female and if I am not perfect why be so nasty and backbite to make me or someone else feel bad.


Personally I feel disgusted by it the whole thing really.

From age 4 or 5 to 75 women can be brutal and lethal to each other. I just wish it would stop because jealous only adds to the pain and make s you look stupid.


Leave it in high school.


What ever happen to support each other or sisterly love and/or just hanging with the girls? Being there for each other?


Why the social cliques? The secret discussions about the enemy? WHY THE urge to steal the other's man?


Why to secretly crush the opponent?

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From previous employment and academic experience, I believe there are female bullies. They do not bully with direct blows and insults as men do, but use gossip and authoratative manipulation.


Rather than tell a person their face about an issue that they disagree with, these women will instead spread rumors (true or false) that will attack a person's character without having it passed directly to the target. Instead, it is a passive-aggressive attack by attempting to hurt the target socially.


Not to say that there aren't some men who do the same thing. I got into many a brawl with such men back in high school.

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I think women are catty and suspicious of each other and will catfight and stab each other in the back. I have never liked working in an all woman environment and I am woman. I dont like female bosses. The best bosses I have ever had were men and I like being friends with guys more than women. Women gossip, compare each other, and try to outdo each other. Women also tend to not be straightforward and tend to do stuff in sneaky, backhanded ways, although I am sometimes guilty of that too.

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From previous employment and academic experience, I believe there are female bullies. They do not bully with direct blows and insults as men do, but use gossip and authoratative manipulation.


Rather than tell a person their face about an issue that they disagree with, these women will instead spread rumors (true or false) that will attack a person's character without having it passed directly to the target. Instead, it is a passive-aggressive attack by attempting to hurt the target socially.


Not to say that there aren't some men who do the same thing. I got into many a brawl with such men back in high school.



I work in a female dominated industry I'd say 80%. Something I see all the time.


Men typically tend to beat the cr** outta each other and then enjoy a pint with each other afterwards. No need for the "smile and stab" approach.

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There is jealousy and hostility amongst women. Just like any group of people you put together.


Some are sly and emotional stabbers. Some are more upfront or physical with hostility.


It makes me laugh how so many women say "I prefer male friends bc women are so often catty blahblah". That's a backhanded stab in itself.

Why not just say "I don't like a lot of women" or "I feel hostility/anger towards those women"?


I've always been physical with my hostility and jealousy. I was that girl that got into fights. I'm still working on the perfect middleground. Being overly aggressive and being devious and emotionally manipulative are equally poor techniques.


my pound of quarters

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  • 1 year later...
Is it there?



I mean jealousy among women.


Why are they so mean to each other if they do not look the same when it comes to beauty or when it comes to men?


Are women that catty as others say they are?


Why don't men act the same way?


Some of these women are cunning enough to steal another woman's man?


crazy but true.


I think women's relationship should be healthy but they are not to me and can prove detrimental.


What do you think?

Or believe?


To tell you the honest truth I feel as though women in general wouldn't always have to be in competition if men weren't so judging of our beauty and our attitudes. I'm not saying all men are like this, but men typically seem to be more attractive to woman with great looks and great attitiudes!! Men are making it harder and harder for women to be unique. It's like blondes, with big boobs little waists, and empty heads seem to be the main attraction these days.. Sorry, but that's my opinion!!

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To tell you the honest truth I feel as though women in general wouldn't always have to be in competition if men weren't so judging of our beauty and our attitudes. I'm not saying all men are like this, but men typically seem to be more attractive to woman with great looks and great attitiudes!! Men are making it harder and harder for women to be unique. It's like blondes, with big boobs little waists, and empty heads seem to be the main attraction these days.. Sorry, but that's my opinion!!


Nothing like putting the blame on someone else eh.

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Is it there?



I mean jealousy among women.


Why are they so mean to each other if they do not look the same when it comes to beauty or when it comes to men?


Are women that catty as others say they are?


Why don't men act the same way?


Some of these women are cunning enough to steal another woman's man?


crazy but true.


I think women's relationship should be healthy but they are not to me and can prove detrimental.


What do you think?

Or believe?



Good topic makes alot of scence man i wish the rattts in my country especially in my community would read that cause they keep my life miserable bcauz of looks grown, progress an alot more read my last post. You couldn't have been more right mostly all of them are suffering from jealoustitsis haha, , especially when they're sleeping with ur man.

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Women seem to have a higher propensity to be jealous of other women then men are of other men. NOt sure why, maybe this is a more feminine trait. The men I have known in my life, the few who have been jealous types that is, seemed to have had more effiminate traits than the other men who don't seem to get jealous and "catty" so who knows....


Men tend to not be as threatened by another males good looks or what not as women do. I think that society played a role in that, making women feel they must look a certain way to be highly desirable, so those women whose self esteem is too low to allow them to feel this way tend to loathe thosie other women who have "achieved this" before them.


I do think that the women who are really catty and jealous are that same group of women who suffer from low self esteem. I rarely find myself getting jealous of other women but i did when my self esteem hovered around in the toilet. SO I believe the correlation is significant. When i was not happy with myself I also seemed to loathe other women who seemed to have it together the way I wanted it. That went away when my self esteem went up ironically.


Now I feel happy for women who are beautiful and successful because I am happy with my own level of beauty and success.

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