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Gota good story...

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This is a really long story but Im gonna cut to the chase. It was 3 weeks before prom and I couldn't find a date. I asked my friend Lyns if she knew of anyone. She knew a girl she said she would talk to her friend Karis. Lyns talked to Karis and Karis said that she wanted to hang out with me a few times to get to kknow me better. So Lyns said to meet her and Karis at the plaza "common hangout ground for us seniors" one night. I went there and waited. Lyns txted me and told me Karis couldn't make it. this happened for 4 days in a row. Finally me Lyns Karis and Lyn's bf went out go carting, then another time we hung out at someone's house, a party another night, and then the mall another day. All the time I was always hanging with Karis talking. We got along great. I asked her to go to prom with me and she said she would love to. So a week and a half before prom Karis calls me up and says there is a problem. She told me that someone else asked her a couple months ago and she forgot. I told her that she should go with him and some other stuff. I was totally kool about it. I had my bro call her earlier that day cause she was avaoiding me. he had a convo with her that I heard cause she was on speaker phone and she said that she would rather go with me. So anyway she went with the other guy and I went alone. A couple days after prom I ask her to go to the movies with me. She said that it would be kool. We decided on a sunday. The friday before I walked up to her in the hallway and said "We still on for sunday?" and she completely forgot. She asked me what we had planned. I said nothing don't worry about it. And she has been ignoring me ever since. A couple of her friends say that she really likes me and wants to date but I can't read her. She sends me such mixed signals I don't understand...what should i do?

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You really like this girl, right? Well perhaps she is just very forgetful. I have a friend who is horrible at remembering things and I have to remind him a lot about events that are going on. If you want to still date this girl, then see if she wants to see something and remind her. Or ask her if she is just bad at remembering things, as there are people out there who just have bad memories. Oh, has there been a date where you two have been alone and it was just you two? No one was with you and you weren't hanging out with a group? It also might be that this girl is afraid to get to close to you so, that's why she's not "remembering" your date plans. Just a thought.

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It sounds to me like she's got a bad memory or to much going on in her mind! If you like her a lot give her one last chance but that's your decision. If you've got her mobile number I suggest you keep texting her to make sure she remembers.


Good luck

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If I were you, I'd give up on this particular girl.

Girls don't "forget" that they have a prom date.

I think it is her way of saying she is not interested,

and she seems very immature. I would no longer waste your time.

Find someone who will not forget you and will be eager to see you... not one that will make up excuses not to.

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When it came time for my senior prom, I had recently broke up with my long time boyfriend and asked a friend to go with me. A girl.. Wasnt a date was just two friends.


We went. We saw. We had fun. I dont regret going with a friend as opposed to a 'date' it took all the pressure off and we had a great time.

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This girl is a complete flake and you are being as dense as iron. Why the heck are you totally letting her get away with disrespecting you like that? Okay, maybe if she is late once or has to cancel once you MIGHT let it slide, but this girl is being a TOTAL * * * * * by dissing you OVER AND OVER. Seriously man, you are acting like her doormat. When are you going to grow a backbone and stand up for yourself?


If this girl did this to me a second time (or probably the first time) I'd straight up tell her that I don't appreciate the way she is acting, and that I would rather spend time getting to know someone who was respectful enough to keep plans rather than come up with excuses every second.


You seriously need to start standing up for yourself. This girl is not your queen.

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Thanks for pointing all that out Diggity...I knew that I was acting dumb I should have seen it before, I was planning on giving it one more shot but lately she has been ignoring me so I think I'm just going to try and forget about it. Thanks for the advice guys and gals.

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