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Advice please!


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Okay,so there's a new guy that I work with and I am extremely attracted to him.And I believe he is attracted to me as well because he flirts with me constantly.I want there to be something between us.But the thing that I am worried about is,he just had a divorce almost a year ago.But I don't think he is completely over her.She was his first love.And I'm just wondering if I should back off a little.Any advice would be great!

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I would play it very slow and cautiously. Divorce can be a tricky thing on a persons emotions, meaning they arent as free giving with them as before. All the men I have known that have gone through a divorce are not looking for anything serious. If you are ok with just hanging outwith no expectations then go for it.

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yeah.. he sounds to me like hes a sensitve guy at the moment maybe coz of his divorce.. but i do actually think he is attracted to you too!

my advice would be same as tigris's idea to maybe just go out as friends for now and maybe take it further when you both are ready!


hope my advice is okay.. and i hope it works out for both of you *hugs*

take care!

luv frankee x x

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Well,here's the problem.I have a boyfriend.I know this is bad,but I can't help that I am attracted to him.I could really see something happening between us.I'm just confused right now.Not really sure what I should do.

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Ok now you have added some fire into the mix. How long have you been with your b/f? I can tell you I would bet the farm that you have a better chance at happiness and long term with your b/f then with this guy at work. Attraction is great but if I were you I would not pursue this guy. You may lose out on everything in the end.

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oooh.. ok this can be complicated.. its a bit simular to the situation with my friend at college.

i would just like to ask.. are you attracted to your bf or this guy more?

and between me and you.. i would wait for this guy to ask you on a date before dumping your bf.. i know i sound mean but it can come in handy! lol


good luck hunni!

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1, divorce is "final" for a yr?


2, how long was the separation period before that?


3, circumstances/reason for the divorce?



It takes at least a solid 3 month good relationship and many other "dates" w/ diff. people in that intrim period before you can be sure they are even close to being over it.



been there, done that, don't get heartbroken....

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