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How can approach this girl who's basically a stranger to me?


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I have a dilemma to deal with at school. I have a huge crush on this girl, and i've been totally infatuated with her for the last two weeks. I finally broke the ice by going up to her and introducing myself. A couple days later, I was really depressed, because I wasn't sure if she was ever interested in me or not. But like a scene in a movie, it was a late afternoon at school, when everyone had gone home. I felt depressed and miserable, just dreading over how pathetic the day would be without talking to her. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, she showed up, smiled at me and even approached me. So I thought it was God who helped me or something and seized the opportunity. I asked her where she lives and told her that I was going in the same direction (subway). What i had realized was that she was so shy and doesn't really know how to develop a conversation. She would just smile at me and don't say much. I ended up walking her home and exchanged e-mail addresses.

At least that day, she really looked like she was interested in me.

After getting home all pumped up and happy, i called up a friend who went to the same school with her the previous year. He said that she wasn't the type that puts out and that she was very shy. So that led me to question whether or not she was ready for the kind of relationship that i had in mind (BF-GF). The next day, i approached her again at her locker, and to my surprise and shock, she had become a totally different person. She was cold and looked as if she was running away from me, or trying to avoid me. I ended up walking with her all the way around the school, until she found this ugly little grade 10 kid, who is no where being attractive or being her BF, then in front of me, she flirts with him, and all this time, i was watching her from behind. Then she looks back, smiles at me, then they two happily walk away.

That was the shittest day in my life. I've never felt so shitty in my life. A week had passed, and i reexamined what had happened over and over again. I finally decided to write her an e-mail basically saying that i think she's a very interesting person to be around and that i would like to keep in touch with her. The problem is that i don't have any class with her in school, so the only way i can be friends with her is by making the first move. Plus, her friends are none of my friends and it's kind of awkward because she's always with her younger brother at school.

The first moment i saw her, i totally fell in love and it was a classic love-at-first-sight. I've been infatuated, lost appetite, and no other girls ever come into my mind. I sincerely need to get her.

Now, my question is, was she playing a game with me when i approached her the next day? And what can i possibly do to at least get to know her in person to person?

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yu say she is shy !!

maybe she wants yu to take the first step in making the relationship..

isn't very difficult to know watt is there in gal's mind yaa??

i know u r really confused and dont know watt to do next..

so watt yu do is write a normal mail to her saying hi, hello, how r yu, hope u r fine.. u know all blah blah.. then wait for her reply .. lets see wats her reaction and response..

she was flirting in front of yu.. Maybe she just wanna to show yu that she too has frends.. u know jsut showing off.

so first try this email method and then wait and see wat hapens.. and also do notice her in school butt without her knowledge and get to know her..


best of luck and do keep in touch!

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