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Too good to be true.


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I've been talking to this woman who is my age {19} on MSN for the last few weeks. She seems very nice and she is also very attractive but she doesn't live in the same country as me, in fact she's on another continent. Now she has told me that she finds me attractive and would love to "be with me". She would seem to be everything I could want in a woman, she is single and she has only one friend.


You would think that this would make me happy but there is a voice in my head that is telling me that she's been lying to me. I don't know why I feel this way but put simply, she seems too good to be true. No woman has ever wanted me before and I assumed that none every would. It seems unlikely, to me, that a good woman who is also pretty would single.


Like I said, she lives on another continent {I live in Europe, she's in South America} but the world isn't the small place it once was and it wouldn't be that hard for one of us to travel to the other. I really hope that she is sencire and I want to believe her but this voice won't go away. Am I just being silly or am I right to be wary of her??

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Gotta agree with Anti on this one. Someone that has no social network is not a good sign. Why is it they have no friends? why is it they only have 1 friend. The problem with people who don'th ave friends they seem to either be loners or not very good at holding on to relationships that well. Go with your gut instinct.

Just my two cents.

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Does she only have ONE friend or one GOOD friend? Some people can have a lot of acquaintances and only one good friend. I tend to be like that. I have one good/best friend and then I have a bunch of other friends that I see on occasions and keep in touch, esp since I moved out here to CA, most of my friends are still in the Midwest.


Some people also have a hard time going out to make friends, esp if the person is shy.

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I agree with renaissancewoman; just because she only has one friend, it doesn't mean she is some kind of freak or weirdo that can't handle relationships. I only really have one friend and several acquaintances. There just aren't a lot of people that really click with me and I am also quite shy, but once people get to know me they usually like me. Pity quite a few of them don't really care about the friendship too much, though.

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Well I haven't talked to her on web-cam simply because I don't have a web-cam but she has told me that she'd love to talk to me by cam. As for her having only one friend she has said that he is her best friend, that fact that he is a he bothers me slighty though.

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i was just wondering how long you guys have chatted and i read your post again and found my answer; last few weeks.


Start worry about this stuff after a half year of chatting I'd say. Besides, 19 isn't the age to wreck yourself out about your future. Keep up the contact and see how things go. Words like 'love to be with you' sounds easy but it's a big deal to even be there on the same squared meter as she is (unless you can affort going there without your parents protesting of course). Liking someone need to deepen and if you can't have normal contact with each other, you'll never learn how she really is and get attached to her (and vice versa).


I'm in the same situation, but a little worse. And I'm keeping myself up here, and read loads of stuff about long-distance relationships. Maybe you should too! And then.. time will learn

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I was in your shoe 4 month ago, never had a GF. I was attractive just never met the right person. I met my first GF on march 10th online. Felt just like how you felt she is too good to be true. We met on march 10th online talked for hours and set a date the next day and hit it off. Well that relationship didn't last too long (almost 2 months) it was because of me. My first relationship and the first woman I have even loved and unconsciously I because over protective, wanting to be with her 24/7 and since I wasn't her first bf she wasn't like that. It was all exciting for me and I felt amazing with her and I though she felt the same but no. so she broke up with me very badly. Now I learned a lot from that and I am finding myself having women in my life again. I have another GF right now. She is great and guess what I also met her online. But all this helped me get into the dating game and know my potentials. And that is what you need to do. Hope this helps.

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