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These are the eyes that shed a sea of tears

These are the hands that cover her eyes from fear

These are the lips that tremble with hate

These are the ears that await her fate

These are the legs that try to walk away

These are the feet that make her stay

These are words she tries to speak out

The silence here is what's said aloud








I know metallica has an amazing piece like this ... so.. not copying just drawing from it (for those of you who think ive stolen it *smiles*)

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Giggles... someone was bound to say something though hehe...


looks around for anyone into metal/rock lol.


but thanks. nothing copied just ... yeah, if you were a fan youd see.


none of my other pieces have inspiration behind them (in the forms of bands)... as you so nicely put it hehe. just from the heart, this one, i had to say where it came from, couldnt claim it lol... well i can but not everything about it hehe.




neva x

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looks around for anyone into metal/rock lol.


but thanks. nothing copied just ... yeah, if you were a fan youd see.


Hahaha, I know what you meant by it. I love metal and punk. I was only half-joking.


"Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different."

-T.S. Eliot

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Giggles at redandblack***I like your little quote indeed. smiles* tis true.Im glad you can understand. Youve got yourself a beautiful taste in music. chuckles* (how immensley biased that is but still)smiles at your half jokes, ive created it into my own thats good enough for me - Thankyou muchly. i know what you mean there, its like the same thing can be said a million times and have a different meaning or emotion for each. thanks again.Neva x

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