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Men ever been groped at a bar by a woman? What do you do?


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I know I'm replying to an old-ish type thread but I just wanted to put my .02 out there. I actually get groped a lot - it's not that I'm attractive or have a juicy bum or anything like that - I think actually it's because I'm pretty clueless and don't notice much around me. Anyway, for me, being groped is NEVER enjoyable and always makes me feel really bad - kind of dirty. So I've thought about this a lot and I think the reason for the double standard is because of the power difference between men and women.


For example, when men get groped by women, they rarely (but please correct me if I'm wrong) worry about being forced in other less-innocuous ways, or worry that the woman may be waiting for him in the parking lot or something. At clubs when I was younger, both of these things happened after getting groped earlier. Thankfully, nothing really bad happened, but it was scary then and is still scary now. So when I get groped by a guy, it makes me really really nervous. Also, I think the general consensus (among men and women) is that it's really not appropriate for men to grope women, and so when a guy does that, it's a strong indicator that he doesn't really respect women and that likely extends to other areas.


I guess when men are groped by women, it's novel and generally not at all scary, but for women, that's not usually the case.



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