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Men ever been groped at a bar by a woman? What do you do?


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If they say that, then they need glasses. I personally wouldn't do that, pretty embarrassing. Then again if you say you wish to get groped again (with a fine look like that) then ok.


Thanks hun, I think you look pretty hot too, but like I always say, I don't quite think I look as good in real life as I do on the photo.

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Oh, so she played bag tag? Thats naughty. Heeheehee. I prefer the cheeks until I got to know you better .


Yeah, I was on LSD at the time and then she started hugging me, I would have went for it but my mate suddenly went off somewhere so I followed him for some daft reason.


It was ages ago though, I don't bother with drugs anymore.

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LSD is too distracting for romantic encounters. You end up naked in the corner watching a cockroach on the wall and trying to choose a name for it that suits his sarcastic personality. Eeep eep eeep eep...cute little thing. Where'd she run off to? Never mind. Eeep....

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You must have had a lower dosage or you're more controlled that I am.



Do you ever get hit on by hookers? When I was younger, that was my only contact with women, but I never did business with them.


Sorry for the extreme OT.


Hey, Dako, you look like some sort of explorer.


Nah, I've never really been around any hookers, me and my pal did go past some once in his car though and he asked how much is it for a BJ for a joke. As for the LSD, I'd had some really strong trips and some really weak ones. I did have a bad one which felt about 100 times more stronger than anything I'd ever had before, I pretty much stopped after that.

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I have yet to have a girl grab my butt, but I have had girl literally grab my arm and drag me around with them and hug me, and even say hi to me. I don't mind the physical contact as long as the girl doesn't do it that much.

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I love it when girls make physical contact with me, kinda tells me for sure that they wouldn't mind talking to me. Hasn't happened nearly as much as I'd like it to though (pretty much not AT ALL). Seriously, a punch in the face from a girl would be better than what I get now.


To the OP: Those girls definitely want to talk to you, but I don't blame you for not, I'd probably do the same thing (unless I was pretty wasted).

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At a dance I was walking to my table, when I was groped in the privates by a girl. The thing is, it was my friends wife (who constantly when drunk, says she want to fk me, even in front of her husband). It was very shocking to me and then anger set it as I do not want to be a reason for them to break up. I sat down beside him and told him what she did to me and that I did not need any more complications in my life. She eventually did another guy and that has really messed things up for them. Depends on the area being groped or the person doing the groping I would say. My situation was most inapropriate.

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True - but there are women who would be flattered under the same circumstances if it was the right guy. But I am merely asking the question - why the double standard?



Cause honestly *most* guys won't care.



Anyway to the original poster, I would grab her butt back.


What would she say?


Huh huh.






I'd ask her to dance. (which would be the more proper thing to do.) Stiff upper lip and all.

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I love it when girls make physical contact with me, kinda tells me for sure that they wouldn't mind talking to me. Hasn't happened nearly as much as I'd like it to though (pretty much not AT ALL). Seriously, a punch in the face from a girl would be better than what I get now.


To the OP: Those girls definitely want to talk to you, but I don't blame you for not, I'd probably do the same thing (unless I was pretty wasted).


Yes, don't worry your groper will arrive someday too. lol..

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Double standards, but better than nothing.


Reminds me of a few nights back, I was on the dancefloor, and i could swear my arm was being grabbed, but everytime I turnt around, nothing, and I persumed people must be accidently grabbing me :S Thinking about it now though, makes a lot more sense.

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You mentioned in another thread girls give you attention at bars Santa it's probably exactly what was going on!


Don't worry I'm pretty oblivious to most of that stuff too. A girl can grab my butt and i'll say "naaah, thers got to be some other reason." Then later i'll think to myself, someone should just hit me on the head with a brick because if thats not a sign... i have no hope in hell of picking up signals!

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Double standards, but better than nothing.


Reminds me of a few nights back, I was on the dancefloor, and i could swear my arm was being grabbed, but everytime I turnt around, nothing, and I persumed people must be accidently grabbing me Thinking about it now though, makes a lot more sense.



lol...that's funny...i can't think of all the times I've been walking by a guy and 'accidentally' grabbed him ...ooops my fingers slipped again...haha...

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You mentioned in another thread girls give you attention at bars Santa it's probably exactly what was going on!


Don't worry I'm pretty oblivious to most of that stuff too. A girl can grab my butt and i'll say "naaah, thers got to be some other reason." Then later i'll think to myself, someone should just hit me on the head with a brick because if thats not a sign... i have no hope in hell of picking up signals!



Ya, I'm with you there.


I've had my inner thigh rubbed (didn't get any ideas). I was like hey watch it there, you might get a surprise, and she's like Yaa I want that surprise. I was like Waaa?


I jump when people touch my butt, its true. I'm like oh it had to be an accident, (yet its not an accident when they do it over and over again)


People don't grope me enough dammit.


I want more!


Women, ahem, Women of the world I'm attracted to, feel free to grope me when I'm single!


That is all

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