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Men ever been groped at a bar by a woman? What do you do?


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I'm pretty sure under the circumstances that it happened it wasn't done in a way intentional to make fun of me. Although i know how it can be seen as such, and i think if i felt natural about it it would be easier for me to flirt back or react.


Iamateedybearfeelmecuddle is making some good points and for that i'm glad she's giving her imput lol. Her suggestions make sense and would be the natural thing for a guy to do who wasn't weirded out.


In common sense. I would never touch a woman i didn't want to touch. much less her butt. And would i go out of my way to humiliate a stranger for no reason? Even if intoxicated. At least i hope not anyway because maybe i'm getting made fun of more than I know about!


In terms of what you guys are saying. It is actaully kind of a double standard. and lots of guys could take offense to it.


But it is pretty damn flattering too. It's a weird thing. I guess because girls get groped a lot more oftan than guys do.


I think for a guy it's flattering because it's sort of the norm that guys go out and hit on girls and girls get hit on. It's easy for a girl's self esteem to be high at a bar. afterall, she may be grossed out by the guys doing it but it's still good to feel desired. As for a guy... not too many girls hit on guys too often so it's easy to see how a guy with low confidence can have trouble getting an ego boost.


Now if i stick something in a woman's ear however... would that be concidered sexual harrasement too? or does that depend on what i'm putting in her ear

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Personal opinion, I'm totally sexist on this one - I'd be marvellously chuffed and grope her back!


But I'd consider twice doing it for myself. I once grabbed a colleague's behind and although she wasn't too bothered, I didn't half go red when a few of my colleagues brought it up!

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Thanks.... and on the ear thing? lol...Um... I don't know if that's "sexual harassment" or not, but it does seem like that one might be fair game...lol...sorry, I just think that's a bit funny, sticking something in your ear...but hey whatever works....not my usual form of trying to flirt with a man...but maybe I need to give that one a go! Hard not to get their attention with something wet in their ear, no? My only problem is, how would I do that? I'd need a stepstool!?

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Of course its flattering. I think females find attention flattering too. I think it would boost anyone's self esteem to know that someone else finds them attractive or sexy or whatever.


Men and women aren't really that different. I think that's the point. Maybe you could talk to women like you'd talk to your friends. I mean, the friend's that don't think they can just grab you when and where ever they want.

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If it makes you feel any better dude, I was at a club a couple of years ago and some girl walked up to me, smiled, and said "I like your shirt". Then she leaned up and bit my neck, drawing blood. God damn did that hurt.

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Well, I saw her the next day when she was sober and she just seemed to be interested in my mate, she never even made eye contact with me. I could just tell that she was the sort of girl where if someone had tried to fix her up with me she would have just said something like 'no he's ugly' like a lot of other girls have done. I just got that vibe from her which was really strong.

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I'm 30 though and it hasn't happened yet. Without sounding egotistycal I know I look good on my avatar, but I think it's just a good photo, there's plenty of bad ones as well, and when I see myself in the mirror I don't really look as good as it.


Offline, girls have never really shown interest.

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Well, I saw her the next day when she was sober and she just seemed to be interested in my mate, she never even made eye contact with me. I could just tell that she was the sort of girl where if someone had tried to fix her up with me she would have just said something like 'no he's ugly' like a lot of other girls have done. I just got that vibe from her which was really strong.


If they say that, then they need glasses. I personally wouldn't do that, pretty embarrassing. Then again if you say you wish to get groped again (with a fine look like that) then ok.

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