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where will you be in 5 years?


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I find it very useful to sit down once every few months and reevaluate where I want to be in 5 years, thus changing my present actions to reflect that.


For example, I want to be about 2 years through another degree in university...so I have decided to put some money away every month into a savings account to pay for school.


Does anyone else do that? Where are you going to be in 5 years?


Always focus on the present while planning for the future.

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I think it's good to do that. I have a mentor who once asked me to do a five year/ten year plan. I told her that it's hard for me to do, because i'm scared that something would happen to me within that time. Then she asked me where I was five years ago. It shocked me at how fast that flew. I really got the purpose of that question, and now i'm trying to be a person who plans for the future without fear. Life is not guaranteed anyday, but you gotta plan. The quote goes "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

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In 5 years I'll be 58 and wondering where it all went, while driving down the slow lane with my blinker stuck on. As you roar past me waving your finger, I'll mutter to myself about fool kids.

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In 5 years I'll be 58 and wondering where it all went, while driving down the slow lane with my blinker stuck on. As you roar past me waving your finger, I'll mutter to myself about fool kids.


This can't be good! I'm already wondering where it all went... In 5 years from now, I don't care what I'll be doing, really. I mean, I'm going to college, so my guess is I'll be going to grad school if I'm lucky, or perhaps about to graduate, and maybe I'll have a decent job? I wish I could see what everybody's who is in a similar situation (about to go to college), with very similar goals (wanting to graduate), is so excited about...

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Hopefully, I will have finished university and got my degree. It has been a dream of mine ever since I saw my sister graduate!


Perhaps I will then be looking for my career in teaching. By the time I'm 22 I hope I'm in a loving relationship with someone. I guess at the moment it's all hopes and dreams until you finally reach what you want out of life.


I remember what I wanted out of life 5 years ago. I had a completely different look on life and was more naive to certain things back then than I am now.


I guess we will see what will happen though; it's a good idea to take time to think about where you want to be in the future. I might try that!


Guess everyone has a different aspect in life.


Miya xx

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In 5 years I'll be out of College, hoping by that time to be fluent in a language and actually get a job and working! That's about it right now; I just want to get now out on my own and succeed in life, that's what I'm concentrating on now a days.

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Writing stories, poems, songs, and studying a foreign culture or I'll be spending time in a casket. 2011 or bust!


I'll have been through art school and working as a penniless, starving but hopefully fulfilled artist.


I simply love how you two think... If only I had the guts to think that way too...

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I simply love how you two think... If only I had the guts to think that way too...


It's good to have way too many ambitions -- that way you have a 50/50 chance of making things work out or completely burning out.


I would like to add that want three Ph.D's and I have very little money and rich parents who wont help. Unrealistic? Maybe. But I'll be a dead man before they take my dreams and send me back to the fiberglass factory. Hahaha

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Five years from now, I am hoping to be in some type of long term relationship and have a house of my own and a successful career and have some money saved up.


Kids, I am not sure about. My mom was just asking me about that tonight, whether I wanted kids or not. Although, now her position has changed about me having kids in a marriage or not. She is now of the thought that if I had a child out of wedlock, she would not be upset and she would understand. She says she can help me raise the kid. I guess my mom is feeling that she wants grandkids real soon

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5 years... Hopefully I'll be done with my MS in the next few months, then on to my PhD, 3 years of that and then off to a real job. I'd like to go on to NASA. Working the whole 8-4 bit and going home to paint my water colors and write my poems. Spending time with my friends and taking photography trips when ever I can. I'm a capable engineer, but I have the heart of an artist.

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In five years I will be finished my second round of university, and paying off my student loans. Yay! But, I know it will have been well worth it.


I will either be in the home we are moving to next month, or planning on moving to a new one, or building....whom knows, I'll be 'home' wherever it is though!


I will still be running, cycling, and training for what ever is around the corner next. Maybe a marathon, maybe a triathlon, maybe an adventure race or two.


I will by then be married to my sweetheart!


I will be deciding whether I am ready to start a family or stick to the furry kind at least a while longer!


I hope that I am still talking to my HEALTHY mum - whom I hope will be in remission - frequently. Same goes for the rest of my family. I will maybe be making some big decisions about my own health then, but the important thing is we are all healthy and alive.


Hopefully I too will still have lots of time for my art. Some years I have more time than others, but I always come back to it. Kinda one of those things I would of loved to do, but never wanted to take the enjoyment part of it away for me.


Basically, I will be aiming to live each day full of love, no matter what

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