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I have noticed that there have been some threads on here about weight and what people consider to be the correct/normal weight for certain heights. What I really want to know is how to lose weight and also how to be able to exercise without feeling breathless. My mom is back on a rampage about my weight again, but this time I feel that she is not wrong. I know I have gained some major pounds in the last few months. I am 4'5" and I weigh about 120 right now, which is not good considering when I first moved back to CA I was weighing about 110-113. I also feel bloated and chunky. I went out to dinner with my parents tonight for some Asian food and my dad likes to order stuff that he knows I like to eat. I was really busy today and didnt eat a lot during the day so I really dug into the food. My mom was not happy about that and spent most of the dinner time picking food off my plate that I had dished up because she said I was eating too much. She then was constantly nitpicking at me for eating this that and the other thing, to the point I was like ready to yell at her.


Besides my mom, my best friend has been making comments about how chunky I am getting. I did find out that his bf was making fun of me about my weight behind my back.


I know I need to lose some weight but I dont know how to do it. I have developed some bad eating habits where I am constantly snacking on stuff. Like if I go shopping at the mall and I notice a cookie store, I will always get some cookies, or I buy some chocolates from somewhere. Like right now, I am sitting at the computer in my dad's study and I see that there are some chocolates on the table and I am nibbling on that as I type.


As for exercising, I noticed that I am out of breath when I do too much walking so I dont walk a lot. I know I need to exercise, but I also have to watch out for my asthma. Sometimes, if I walk too much, my asthma acts up and that isnt good either.


I really need to lose about 10-15 lbs by the end of this summer because my mom wants me to go to this wedding of a childhood friend of mines. My mom's friends are going to be there and if I look fat or extremely chunky, they are going to make comments about me to my mom about my weight and height and my mom aint going to be real happy with me about that. She has issues with my height already and I dont need her to be nitpicking about my weight either.

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from what i read, your motivation is your most pressing and obvious need.


i can tell that you're feeling trapped within your own skin. believe me, i've been there. i'm 5'9 and i used to weigh a ridiculous 220lbs and climbing. i was a smoker as well. my motivated me was seeing my father having his first of 3 heart attacks last year. he was a chronic smoker and an alcoholic in his past.


i would suggest that you see your family doctor as soon as possible. i'm quite sure that your weight is quite disproportionate to your height. find out what your 'normal' weight for your height is and work with your doctor/fitness instructor to achieve that. remember, just because you lose weight, doesn't mean your body is healthy. eating healthy is just as important as exercising.


good luck!

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Petlady1536, yes, other people are making me feel bad about my weight. But then I also feel heavier and my clothes are tighter which isnt good. Besides, I am hoping to go out and date again soon and if I look fat and feel fat, it wont help my self-esteem and I wont attract guys that easily.


As for my mother, if you ever read my other posts, you'll understand why I sometimes want to please my mom just to get her off my back. She hassles me about my weight and also about my height. She's been hassling me about my height since I was a little girl.

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You may be using food as sort of a comfort because you are not happy. The best friend relationship as of right now is a bit toxic and not working is probably a big factor also. With all the free time on your hands sitting around eating is the last thing you should be doing. You need to become more active. Easier said then done I know. I lost about 10 pounds a couple months ago due to stress. I have put on 7 of them. UGH! I just need to get my * * * * in gear and work out. Join a gym and take some of the classes you may just meet some great people there.

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My biggest problem is also my build. I have a medium to stocky build but I am very tiny so with my stocky build, I cant lose that much weight. It isnt as though I am tiny and slender and fragile. I wish I was.


Wow you want to be tiny,slender, and fragile? Do you not realize how awful that sounds? You sound alot like someone with a body image issue. Take a step back and think about why you really want to lose weight b/c if its simply motivated by reaching some ideal the weight will never stay off. The day you decide to make a life style change and get a healthy body and MIND then you'll lose the weight and keep it off.


exchange tiny, slender, and fragile for.....healthy, fit and strong.

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FauxGypsy, I had a friend in high school who was a year younger than me. She was about the same height I was. I think we were both the smallest girls in our school. Unlike me, she was tiny, thin, and slender, looked kind of like a china doll. I want to look like that. Yes, I do have body image issues, mostly about my height and sometimes my weight. My mom has never been happy with my height and she has tormented me about it since I was very young. She also doesnt like it if I gain weight since she says that is not good for me and makes me look ugly, esp since I am so tiny.


Like today, before we went out to dinner, I went out shopping with my mom and she fussed at me all afternoon about stuff I should wear, etc. She ended up convincing me to buy some new clothes so I dont look so "fat" as she says, and then she bought me a pair of new shoes, which I think were WAY overpriced, because she thought they made me look taller. Dont take me wrong, the shoes look great on me but I dont like to pay $120 for a pair of shoes. Then she spent dinner nitpicking about what I was eating.

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There is a lot of good advice here. But if I am reading the original post correctly you want to know how to actually drop say 10-15 pound of fat. I'll try and give a few simple basics.


To lose weight, you will need to eat less and move around more. Repeat as necessary until you reach your desired goal. To be more specific....


1. Count your caloric intake and know how many calories you consume on average to maintain your weight.


2. To lose weight you will need to be in a deficit. To lose 1 lb of fat a week yo would need to reduce your intake by about 500 calories per day. For 2 lbs, 1000 calories per day. That will put you in a hypocaloric state and you will lose weight.


3. If you plateau and stop losing weight, raise your calories back to what you need to maintain and keep it there for a week or so. Then go back to dieting and you will start to lose fat once again.


4. You can do it mostly through diet if you want, but I strongly suggest you take up weight training for its many metabolic benefits. You can add simple cardiovascular training as well to burn extra fat and calories and speed up the process.


I suggest you take a gander to the diet forum at link removed. There is plenty of info there to get you started. Regardless of what reasons you have for wanting to lose weight, being in control of you body and how it functions is empowering and a task worth undertaking imo! Good luck!

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