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i feel upset. the status of ppl who get passive aggressively abused must continue to rise. i say passive aggressively because this is the form I absolutely HATE. it's when one person directs his/her abuse to another in the most subtle of ways but maintains the facade of being sweet, kind, nice to ALL other people except his target. then his target is isolated and singled out to be hurt and injured, and who would believe her??


i used to belong to an abuse forum and i would give advice to the women there. very well thought out advice. but these two women seemed to be cutting me down....in the most subtle way. they would post to each other in my threads, going "hugs so&so", "thanks so&so" always leaving me out. i clearly felt so insulted and felt it was done on purpose in the most passive way. i felt like they were targetting me as an individual cuz both were so so sweet to everyone else.


i wrote a private message to the administrator and told her about my concern, asked how what was the best way i could handle this? lo and behold, today i try to log in and i have been banned. no explanation. no reason. nothing.


i feel doubly abused because i was kicked out (for no reason?) i just wanted to ask her what should be done and it was a very polite, and clear private message. i didn't even say anything to the other two members that were attacking me.


all in all i detest passive aggressive forms of abuse and hurting others. yuck!!


i think not being believed hurts the worst though. to have to defend urself and keep saying u didn't do anything to deserve it....when ur attacked (and yes, ppl do attack others without any reasonable justification). ugh, this has happened to me in almost every case.


need to get away from it. i just have to let out some steam, some anger, some hurt, some upset because i did not do anything to deserve this.

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Trust me, you won't be attacked here at enotalone.com. I am not bragging nor telling you to stay at this forum, for that is for you to decide. But I have a good response when I post something, people have given good advice and I have rarely seen a flame war in a topic. If one does arise, it's usually taken care of, ASAP. I'm sorry you did not have a good response with your PMing the administrator, but they should have at least given you a reason for banning or responded back with an answer to your message. I hope you have better luck with message boards (abusive ones, too, if you decide to revisit them) in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forget about the other website you visited, it's their loss not yours!


It's obvious that they weren't as nice as everyone on here. Like Alabama says if there's a problem on here and it's reported it's sorted out very quickly and fairly. It's very rare that anyone verbally attacks another person. This happened a while ago and I contacted one of the moderators and they looked into it and had a word with the culprit and the problem was solved.


We're all here to try and advise people, but at the end of the day it's the original poster's responsibility to decide which advise they want to take.


Teacup the way I got through a lot of my negative problems is to leave them in the past and try not to let history repeat itself.


Good luck and take care.

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