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Hi, I would realllllllllLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY appreciate some insight on this thing im going through right now with I dont know what she is to me.


We dated for 13 months in colleg and eventually broke it off. Thats fine even though it was hard to get over , I was making progress. We became great friends but the tension was always there.


I decide to do some NC thanks to some advise on this site after realising it was too weird, we were trying to hard to work it out and it just wasnt happening


So, it seemed like everyone moved on, she has a new bf and im still trying to get over her but without her knowing ofocarse.


6 months later as im FINALLLY working things out abit she conveniently comes back into my life by saying how she misses me, ect ect. Takes me awhile to let it sink in and I decide to become friends with her again. BIG mistake ](*,) She ends up pushing herself away again and im sitting here wondering what the hel* just happened.


For someone who could have said so many things to show how much she likes your company, how could someone just not show it when you try getting close to her. I did not hurt her in any way, she did most of the hurting. She broke it off. But when I say "ok, time to move on" she comes back then you fall for it again and then she ditches you again. Wow](*,)


I have continued NC but what the f?

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some people get on a high.......and are too into themselves and too concerned with what they are feeling to really care about other people. some go through phases were they are attached ot people but then toss them like they're an old candy wrapper........ it kinda sounds like she doesnt know what she wants, i mean if she waited like 6 months to come back into your life.......


I say, if things are starting to go downhill like they did before and you can't get through to her, try NC......... sometimes space is the only thing that will make someone miss you.......and if it doesn't make her miss you, then you have a sure sign that it may be time to move on.

bummer though........I do really hope it works out!

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I don't think she was ready to be friends, again. You did NC for a while, and that seems to have helped. She finally came back to you, and told she wanted to be friends, again. You two try it out, but if she pushed you away, I don't think she was ready as she thought she was. If you want to try NC again, that might help, but it's for you to decide. I don't think it's over just yet, since there is still a chance for you two, to be friends, again, I'm sure. Good luck.

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