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Why do I miss my past so much?

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I have a problem with thinking about my past and feeling depressed about it. Right now I am about to leave my current city college to transfer to a college away from this town, and it is really making me feel depressed because I miss all the good times I have had at this school with the new people I've met, to the girls. I am sometimes wishing I could go back and start over from my 1st year and change things up.


Why do I feel this way? I want to get out of this feeling and look forward to the future because I know it's going to get good, but I feel so into my past that it's holding me back.


Can anyone please offer me some advice?

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Do you feel that in your past you left anything unresolved? It could be that. Sometimes, when we want to have a bright future, it always seems that there is something holding us back. I suggest if you have any unresolved issues, than get those resolved, or you may have to forget it and just go on to this new city, despite what has happened in your past.

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What you are feeling is completely normal.

You had a routine, you had your friends, memories..

You are going into an unfamiliar territory, with new friends, new memories.. change can be scary. These feelings will pass and will be memories of the past. Remember.. The Best Is Yet To Come!!

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trace - I think its prolly pretty normal.


You get into the routine of a life that is fun and challenging at the same time and then almost suddenly, it ends. Its very sad.


I think there are many a people who miss the ol' college days.


You WILL move on but you will prolly always look at the days at THAT uni very fondly.


Try to keep in touch with your old friends, that will help you make new ones.


Make new friends

But keep the old

One is silver

And the other gold


Best of luck to you in your new adventure.

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thanks for the replies. I'm sure I have unresolved issues and regrets, but I don't know if I can really fix them or even want to since I feel like I threw myself in holes that I don't want to dig out of. I just want to start fresh and move on towards a better future.


how did you all cope with these feelings?


I always find myself pondering on memories of my past years in college. I can believe how fast these years went by. I think I'm gonna write a song about this, haha.

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  • 4 weeks later...

at the end of the day, there's no point in living in the past because it dont matter how much u think about stuff its never gunna change, u have to learn to just let things go. I know it sounds harsh but its the truth, the sooner u lets things go and focus on the future, the happier u will be. hope everything works out for u

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