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why is it so hard to get to the point where she accepts you?


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In my past experiences with women, I've learned that there are certain levels of acceptance. The first one is that she is interested in you only as a co-worker/class mate or someone that she knows. The second is that you're a close friend and she flirts with you so much that you don't know (and neither does she) that she wants to really sleep with you. The third is that she's 100% interested in having sex with you and if you and her were hanging out together..abscence of friends, parents, and roommates..you would have sex with her.


For years I've been stuck in the first level at my college and I haven't tried hard enough to make it to the second level because those girls disappear or they make it incredibly hard for me to contact them again. I would like to know what it is about guys that turn women off because I want to avoid those mistakes and increase my chances of having sex with the women I meet. And my loser friends and co-workers brag all the time about the women they've slept with but they never talk about their failures or what they did to move up to the 3rd level of interest. It's important to me because I don't want my history to read that I had a girlfriend in highschool, worked and went to school during college and then married a woman in my late 30s. UNACCEPTABLE!


What I've done in the years after highschool (and my breakup) was work and volunteer in organizations where there was a plethora of women who could've been great friends to me. But that didn't happened and if it did happen, she only had a first level interest in me which did not last. So for Round Two, I've made myself look better and I've met someone from my latest class. I would like to email or call her soon, go on an outing with her and hopefully we might become better friends (level 2). If we happen to (miraculously) become better friends, what are some of the things I can do to see if she's interested in moving on to level 3? Someone told me that to ask "would you like to have sex?" is the worst thing a man can say to a woman. A man has to act subtle. Does anyone agree?



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How about trying to focus on making a lasting and worth while relationship and not being shallow and only worrying about how to have sex with women. Its most likely that women are picking up on the "I want to get in your pants" attitude and that turns them away.


The other guys you hang out with sound like a bunch of men showing off for each other. Not the best place to air your failures and despense helpful tips to the young blokes.


You ask most women to have sex with you and at best you will get a snide remark and a cold shoulder at worst a sexual harassment law suit. Theres being direct and then theres being rude.

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I would like to know what it is about guys that turn women off because I want to avoid those mistakes and increase my chances of having sex with the women I meet.


One thing that turns me off is a guy whos after sex. Another thing that turns me off is a guy that thinks a woman's attraction to him is only about sex. And the last thing that turns me off is a guy who asks for advice in increasing his chances of getting sex. Basically, your post turned me off.


The best advice I can offer you is to focus you efforts in getting to know her as a PERSON.


It's important to me because I don't want my history to read that I had a girlfriend in highschool, worked and went to school during college and then married a woman in my late 30s. UNACCEPTABLE!


BTW, I don't see what is so unacceptable about this.

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