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asking out a teacher


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i think my prof likes me. and i've thought she was attractive for a while.


today she was telling me her plans for the fall, etc and making conversation with me after i turned in my test.


it's difficult to tell if there's any interest since there is some sort of a boundary upheld between students/teachers, but the semester is over now so that boundary no longer exists.


should i pursue it? will it make things awkward? should i make some casual suggestion for meeting up some time?


any suggestions?

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of course you shouldn't pursue it!!!!! it will definalty make things awkward!!! especially if things don't work out! I don't even know if that's legal! just don't do it, if anything, wait until you graduate, and make SURE she is intrested, don't just assume, because she's friendly.

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I don't think this is "illegal," but it could be sticky. Once you graduate, there's no problem, but if you are still a student, you should assess whether the potential stickiness is worth it -- do you go to a small school where everyone talks? Even if you don't take another class with her, if people knew about your relationship would it jeopardize your course of study or her career? Maybe you guys can just be friends until the coast is clearer.

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