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How about with an animal!!!!!!!!!!!


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well, lots of people are into that sort of thing


However, if I were dating a guy that had sexual relations with an animal, I'd be more concerned about his beastiality fetish rather than the actual "cheating." IMO

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I would be frightened! have you heard of this happening? or was that just an idea that came to mind? lol


Well, yea I did heard of paraphilia and personality disorders in my psychology class. That's why this idea in this post. But yea, while it's kinda funny, it would be freaky too. Animals can also pass diseases, so I dunno if it would also be called STD's if someone gets infected, I guess it would.






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Well, yea I did heard of paraphilia and personality disorders in my psychology class. That's why this idea came into my mind. But yea, while it's kinda funny, it would be freaky too. Animals can also pass diseases, so I dunno if it would also be called STD's if someone gets infected, I guess it would.







Ah ha! I remember the term for it: xenozoonosis.


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basically, it's getting a disease from an animal, but through transplants. I don't know if there is a name for it through sex....

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I think beastiality is illegal in most states. Its a fetish that has shown even up in cave paintings, but its not something widely accepted and its not a laughing matter.


yeah, I feel it's pretty similar to rape, because the animals are not able to consent.

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Well its highly illegal for starters. Its also immoral, given that an animal cannot give "informed consent". In that respect, I put it on par with molesting children.


It doesn't matter whether or not the animal/child appears to be enjoying it, what matters is that they cannot give their informed consent in the way human adults can.


Its one thing to eat a hamburger, its quite apart to gratify yourself at the expense of something that can't communicate and is still alive.

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Does animal vagina feel the same as human vagina?




I think beastiality is definitely a laughing matter. Informed consent with animals???? That's ridiculous!!!!!! We might as well start sentencing all the male dogs to euthenasia because the female dogs don't give them "informed consent". Anyway, beastiality's also a good thing. Would you rather have John Smith take out his perversions on a cow, or little Sally down the road?

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I think beastiality is definitely a laughing matter. Informed consent with animals???? That's ridiculous!!!!!! We might as well start sentencing all the male dogs to euthenasia because the female dogs don't give them "informed consent". Anyway, beastiality's also a good thing. Would you rather have John Smith take out his perversions on a cow, or little Sally down the road?

i think John Smith needs a lobotomy.

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If you proponents would come clean and tell us your experiences with critters, it might sway us to your side, but for now, I'm sticking with adult human females as my inspiration.

Just narrow-minded I suppose.

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