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I don't think it should. A guy can't change the size of his ... Anyway, as the saying goes... It's not the size of the boat that matters, it's the motion on the ocean. Concentrate on the feelings involved and not the physical size of his...

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You want me, as a woman, to be completely honest:


Yes it does.


If a man is particularly small, (its usually the girth rather than the length that is most important) AND doesnt know what the hell he is doing it could be a bit crap for the woman. Remember most women dont orgasm of sexual intercourse anyway, its the clitoris that you need to focus on.


particulrly LARGE men have problems too you know: I have had female friends say "omg I am not letting him near me with that thing, its terrifying!" so think of those men who go around bragging about their big giant penis! if it really is as big as he says it is, he probably doesnt get as much action as he says he does. A particularly large penis can bang against the cervix and cause pain.


I knew a friend who was with a guy who's penis was so large she ALWAYS had to use loads of lubrication and it totally killed the 'moment'!


An average one is usually the best.


You know, at the end of the day, for the average woman, sex is an emotional thing anyway, its always going to be better for her if she is inlove with you.

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If a man is particularly small, (its usually the girth rather than the length that is most important) AND doesnt know what the hell he is doing


I understand what you are saying... but I was suggesting that how a guy uses it is what is important, not size. Of course it would be important if a guy was completely useless at both, it wouldn't even be worth having sex in the first place...

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Different sizes feel different, and what dimensions feel best will depend on a particular woman's specific anatomy. So, there's no single, clear answer to your question, really.


If the sole purpose of a relationship is sex -- no bf/gf, no going on dates, no big deal about birthdays/holidays -- you're just sexual partners and nothing more, then size would matter a great deal. But again, any individual woman's specific preferences are going to vary from any other individual woman's.


Otherwise, I'd be more concerned to what the penis is attached to because she's gonna spend a lot more time dealing with that.


Once upon a time I dated a guy with my version of a "perfect" appendage. Unfortunately, this ideal specimen was attached to a guy who was an abusive alcoholic. It didn't make up for the severe character flaws the guy had.

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Well, to some degree it can matter. This does not necessarily mean bigger is better though, by any degree. For some women, they prefer below average to average, for others it's above. Preferences are different for each woman.


Most women I know though are more concerned with what is attached to the penis, no matter what size it is. If a woman does not want to be with you due to the size of your equipment, she is not the woman for you. Sex is more then about the physical, it really is about the mental/emotional aspect and about how you push the right buttons. And you can do that at any size.

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The bottom line is...


Regardless of what the situation (ie being in a relationship or in a one night stand) why does the size count? If it feels good to the woman then nothing else should matter shouldn't it?

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the porn industry i believe is one of the single largest causes of this insecurity among men. Truth be told, a normal woman would go nowhere near a penis of that size, not saying that some don't, but to the majority it would hurt. I always told myself this...


theres a reason that 6 inches is the average, try not to question it

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If it feels good to the woman then nothing else should matter shouldn't it?


Well, I'd imagine it would matter to some women in the same way that breast size matters to some men.


In a perfect world, neither is something that should really matter, but we live in an imperfect world where sometimes, in some situations and for some people, it does matter.


There's no need to take someone else's preferences personally. We all have a right to have whatever preferences we have. What we don't have is a right to be rude, disrespectful, hurtful, mean or nasty to others when expressing those preferences.

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The truth is, it does matter and women do take notice (I actually wrote an embarrassing post about a comment from an ex gf yrs ago). But, it doesn't matter more--and probably less-- than other things.


After all, guys have physical preferences for women. But by and large, they aren't deal breakers.

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I feel like I'm very lucky to be given what I got. I hear a lot of guys saying they have 6 inches and girls say average is 5 or so. I'm about BARELY 8 inches and trust me I do not wear any Magnum condoms or anything.


I think really she will enjoy it more if she has feelings for you. SInce most woman are more about the emotional part of sex then physical I think it doesn't matter.


If she has feelings for you that is what is going to get her off. I don't really know, everyone is different though. Just live with what you got.


I don't know any one answer that works to please all woman. I just think that if you have an average size penis and she loves you then she will enjoy sex a lot.


No one cares how big your * * * * is unless it's time to have sex. Even then to a woman it's more about emotions then anything. Don't worry about it.

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Oh well I realize that most men cheat when it comes to measuring them selves with a ruler. You see, like I used to, a lot of guys think that putting a ruler along the side is the size. Measuring it that way pushes some skin back so they think they are bigger than they actually are.


I looked about 8.5 to 9 measuring that way, and I am definatly not. It adds atleast a half inch if you do it that way.


Measuring it it wrong can make a guy think he is bigger than he actually is but that's isn't the truth. You have to measure from the tops because that is as much as could fit inside a woman. I would be a lot happier if my penis was 9 inches though, I feel like when I see a porn video all those guys are so much bigger.


I guess it's the equivalant of woman wanting a bigger breat size based on seeing those woman who have giant fake boobs.


ANyway, I here men grow all the way up to the age of 21 and I'm 18, maybe I will get lucky. Everything is a trade off though. I think guys with average size work harder and don't have the ego things. Maybe they are better lovers??

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what i learned in summer school:


size matters mostly to small (-minded) men and loose (-minded) women. the great majority of people get by with no problems.


i knew a girl who could orgasm from the insertion of one finger, without touching her clitoris. it did take some visualization techniques, however...


a larger penis does not have a better chance of impregnating a woman. sperm know which way to swim, and it only takes one to get the job done.


evolution did not 'screw up' and make the average man unable to satisfy the average woman. that's why we all have tongues.

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It is true, larger doesn't mean better. However, as some men like bigger breasts, there are also some women who like thicker/longer penises.. When it really comes down to it, does it really matter? Are we not going to date/marry someone who is 'smaller' than we prefer? No!

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It is true, larger doesn't mean better. However, as some men like bigger breasts, there are also some women who like thicker/longer penises.. When it really comes down to it, does it really matter? Are we not going to date/marry someone who is 'smaller' than we prefer? No!
good point, dyt. for any intelligent woman it would not be the deciding factor in choosing a husband. i wouldn't want to marry a girl who was penis-obsessed... (or would i???)
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There is a flip side to this debate, womens size, Kegels work if nobody is ever big enough for you.


I've been w/ women who had 3-4 kids natural birth and were very fitting and on the flip side, women w/ no kids who were like caverns and I'm not small....



Kegels are the easiest way to cure the problem if you need it and you can still do them even if you don't need them.

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