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Girls over react...im mad


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hi,i just want someone to plz explain me this,i make it short,me and my gf get alogn fine no probs but today i accidentally touched one of her breast thinking is was her side elbow i wassent iven looking at her so it was an accident,now she over reacts and start saying stuff like (now seems im seeing the other side of you and i ask her tha tif she ever seenme do this before..and she goes like theres a first for everything)...i mean...im the bad guy here??fuk i let her pass alot of stuff she does and she oftenly puts her hand by accident in my place and i dont say nothing i just say "its ok dont worry" and here she comes over reacting and saying ima pervert for that!!??? she she forgave me and i dindt say anything but im mad...im tired of being the "guy" the one and only in the relation were can be a pervert and the girl is a sait...BS..im really mad at her and i wont say nothing but i aint lettin this pass the next time it happened..so why do guys who are honest have to deal witht his crap couse u girls overreact to some stuped thing >

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For one thing not all women will over react.

Different people have different levels of comfort. What you don't mind could be totally unacceptable to someone else. How physical is your relationship? If she doesn't feel that it was appropriate and you just blew it of, it may have been your response that fueled her anger.

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It does seem weird that she would touch you 'in your place' and yet react like that when you do it accidentaly. I think you should talk to her about it - but calmly and not in an accusing way.

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sorry for generalising,im calm now,anyways yes we have physical contact...we frensh kiss and do anything normal couple do,but when sometime si have accident and i toucher somewere bad she over reacts on me...this is the allmost 4rth time she does it,we been around 6month together now.I love her very much but dam...she upsets me everytime she does it like i were some kind of pervert,i did talked i out with her she admited she overreacted but sense is my foult for being careless i deserv being warned yes...but not thrown to the ground,im better now that i talked it with her she is probably upset aswell for her reaction,but just makes me sad that she knows how i am im not that kind of person iven my friends know im not the type that wants gf for sex...and by she doing this only tells me she dossent trust in me i hope this dossent keep up

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I'm afraid that members of either sex can over-react and it's very irritating and causes unnecessary conflict. If my wife over-reacts, I over-react to her over-reaction and she over-reacts to my over-reaction of her original overreaction, then I ...


Result: up to a week of treading on eggshells.

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It's not cool that you are feeling this way.

You are feeling like some kind of molester, pervert, and someone who doesn't care about her feelings.

This is not true, and you do care for her. She seems a little "off".

You should tell her it makes you feel this way and hopefully she'll be nice about it. You said, she forgave you?.....you didn't need her forgiveness.. you did nothing wrong)

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