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Men & Anal Sex


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I'm curious to ask,why is it that so many men enjoy anal sex so much,on the giving end. (NOTE: i'm not saying all men enjoy it,because alot don't)


As a women I'm always surprised at the huge ammount of men who enjoy anal sex just for the sake of saying they got to get it.


I'm not saying anal sex is wrong,i enjoy it at times myself,but I'm just curious as to what the big deal is...


Are there any men here who would like to explain what they Do/DON'T like about it.


Just a random thought today,Thanks for your input...

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There are a bunch of reasons:


1) It's different and more "taboo" making it more exciting.


2) It's definitely MUCH tighter than the other two options. No matter how much she uses PC muscles, it's still not same.


3) Unless the woman does that with every guy she has ever been with, this place is more "special". It kinda means she thinks of you more than just the average guy she had sex with. Especially if she had never done it before.


4) If you are in a committed relationship where you know bother are clean from STD's (tested or what not), they you don't have to use a condom if worried about pregnancy.


5) After a while, the same old DOES get boring no matter how much people don't think it does.


There's more but I think that is the gist of it.

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I like it, my partner likes it. He never had really done it before me...he had "tried" but it had not worked very well.


I think for both of us, it is about the intimacy and trust that goes into it. It requires more communication, more awareness of your partner. It's something that I would only do with someone I had absolute faith and trust in listening to me. It's something that we only really have ever shared so much together. We both had tried it previously, but not with great results from it. So it was like sharing something very new with each other.


It's also the taboo nature of it..now it really is not "taboo" in the sense people don't do it...something like 50% of women and higher of men have tried it apparently, but taboo in the sense it's certainly not something we are taught is the norm from a start. Also, it features highly in porn, so this may be part of why it seems exciting to some.


And, it does feel different, for both of you obviously. It's a different sensation, different mental aspect to it as well. It's stimulating because it IS different.

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I think its just something completely different really. I know my boyfriend has a thing for it. He seems to enjoy it because it is so much tighter.. alot to do with pleasure. But i have to agree with the control i think thats a bit factor for him too.


Its not something he enjoys all the time though, its like once in a blue moon, maybe its the change. you know?

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I know this may sound stupid... and ignorant... but really... I am curious. I've never done this before.. and always wondered... (excuse me for being graphic) does it mess up your "hole"? Does it stretch it out? I'm laughing right now... I can't believe I'm asking this. But I wonder. I overheard this girl say she tried it once and "farted" the whole next day. I thought to myself... I really don't want anything to do with that!

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giggles at star fall... tis true though... i have a thing for watching freaky cosmetic surgery... i dont know why.... anything thats weird im intrigued.


BUT i did see a show where it was a porn star who decided to have hers tightened... thats where i got my random fact.. i watched from behind my handies haha.

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I know this may sound stupid... and ignorant... but really... I am curious. I've never done this before.. and always wondered... (excuse me for being graphic) does it mess up your "hole"? Does it stretch it out? I'm laughing right now... I can't believe I'm asking this. But I wonder. I overheard this girl say she tried it once and "farted" the whole next day. I thought to myself... I really don't want anything to do with that!


If you don't take precautions (ie wait for the muscles to relax) you can cause damage and lose some of the muscle control. The anal tissues are also far more delicate then those in the vaginal walls, so you do have to be careful. However, I and many other people have had anal sex many times with patience and precautions and never had problems.


I second the idea on not having him ejaculate though...but honestly you should ALWAYS use a condom when practicing anal sex because of the delicate tissue and risk for e.coli/infection. And never go from anal to vaginal sex for example.

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If you do it right, the skin around the entrance should retract and reshape to a normal state fairly readily.


The sensation of "tightness", which leads to increased friction and which can be pleasurable for the male partner, is really concentrated around the opening. Inside back there is actually less tight and fitting than inside the vagina, but mostly that doesn't get noticed when making those kinds of comparisons because of the tightness of the opening, and the impact that has.

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I'm a recovering porn-addict, however, a couple of years ago, I used to look at hetrosexual anal sex porn pics, and thought the facination was sick. One particular scene, gave me a panic-attack that ended up with me quitting from viewing that type of porn. The erotic highs from viewing anal sex hetrosexual porn are somewhat different masturbation experience than normal sex porn. But, it's a high that often follows with a feeling that I'm going crazy afterwards or losing my mind.


Conceptually it sounds disgusting, because anything that is associated with fecus is disgusting, and I dont know how anyone can put their organ into a cesspool full of fecus, or old feces encrusted and stuck to the rectum. I'm very bacterially conscious, and usually make sure the toilet paper is perfectly white after cleaning myself up. The prospect of this type of sex is totally and absolutely disgusting, and being homophoboic, seems too parallel to gay stuff. Disgusting.

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I've tried it a couple of times with not great effects (farting afterwards for a long time, loose bowels, pain). Tried it again with my current BF, and in fact would be willing to try it again. He on the other hand found the fantaay much more appealing as his schlong came out less than clean.

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Luke_Skywalker has made me sick...HOWEVER, I enjoy anal sex. It is a totally different feeling than vaginal sex. I agree with the other posts tho..you have to be careful. You can get infections if you switch from anal to vaginal without washing or wiping the penis off, so be careful.

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There are many things with anal sex that cause discomfort and risk, other than just switching from anal to vaginal sex. I tried anal sex twice. The first time it wasn't bad because we used a lot of lube and the size of my partner's penis was not big enough to cause huge discomfort. It felt funny, but I was willing to let him enjoy it. However, I tried it one other time with someone that had a very large penis and it was excruciating. It had to make him stop after a few minutes and it hurt for days and days after. It tore the skin a bit, causing what is called a "fissure" which is very difficult to heal.


I think I'd rather stick to vaginal sex!

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Ahh, now I'm all paranoid about trying it! The butt just wasn't meant to have a penis in it.


LOL maybe i'll tell my boyfriend "Well, since you want to try it, how about i get a strap-on and then you can TRY IT!" Tee hee hee! Anyone ever do that with their partner?

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