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kinda kinky/fetishify but...


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Hey I know its a little different but i think it would be really hot if my girlfriend would wear and wet a diaper before / during / after / with sex. I haven't mentioned anything like this to her yet and she's a little on the wild side, and we both really love each other so i don't want to scare her away with her thinking that I'm some weirdo or something.


Ladies what would your reaction be if your boyfriend asked you?

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Personally... I would probably freak out. thats just me though, I think, well id find it it humiliating. i think thats deffinitley the best word for it.


if that makes sense anyway.

I mean, all for trying new things but i do believe in limits and unfortunatley this one exceeds mine.


Its deffinitley for a certain type of person. Because theres no sexy way of turning it into role play either, without being made worse really.



Each to their own though, hope you enjoy yourself.



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Myself: I'd laugh. It's different. Not really my cup of tea.


I think you should bring it up during casual joking chat about sex in general. Like in an anecdote about someone else. See how she reacts to that first.


Because honestly, it could freak some people out.

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If sex is getting kinda boring for a mature 16 year old guy, then go for it. I'm sure she'll be open to anything, considering how solid your relationship is. You're pretty funny.

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I think this is the sort of thing you have to be careful about asking and how you ask. Something you may want to slip into a general conversation about sexual fantasies and see what her response is rather that come right out and ask her specifically.


I don't think it is a common fetish and I'd imagine it is unlikely she shares it with you so she is only likely to participate because she wants to do something special for you. thereforeeee her response will probably be linked to how strong your relationship is and how strong her feelings for you are.


I think she would have to have 100% trust in you to consider it but hey I would always encourage couples to talk about their sexual desires. Just be careful how you go about it.

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I've been involved in the public BDSM scene for the last 8 years. To my knowledge, I've only met one person who was into Adult Baby play/diaper fetish....and I didn't know that person very well.


Then again, maybe that's a group that keeps more to themselves and doesn't really find much in common with more mainstream "whips-n-chains" kinksters.


I think the same guidelines apply bringing up this kink as when you'd bring up any other -- be it bondage, foot fetish, spanking, or dressing up like Richard Simmons. You don't demand your partner do anything, you explain your interest as calmly & rationally as you can, and you ask them to consider the idea. If you think it might be an issue, you can also ask that you be treated with some respect & dignity (i.e. not ridiculed or laughed at) when you approach the topic. Of course...if you have to specifically have to request that when divulging very personal & sensitive information, maybe an objective evaluation of the relationship is in order...but that's just my take on it.


Personally, when I was single & dating I found discussing my kink with non-kinksters too explosive a minefield to walk through. Too many people think they know more than they really do and aren't willing to learn anything beyond preconcieved notions. It was easier to limit my dating to the kink community once I figured out I wasn't exactly "normal."

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shes2smart, I find your take on this interesting. I'm not personally drawn to BDSM, but from the responses I've seen on here I think a separate thread on the symantics and aspects of your life style would be interesting. I know it maybe an odd request for you to put your sex life under the microscope so to speak, but I think it would be educational for someone to explain what goes on in that form of sex play.

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shes2smart, I find your take on this interesting. I'm not personally drawn to BDSM, but from the responses I've seen on here I think a separate thread on the symantics and aspects of your life style would be interesting. I know it maybe an odd request for you to put your sex life under the microscope so to speak, but I think it would be educational for someone to explain what goes on in that form of sex play.


I would personally love that. So many questions, a gem of a source of info.

It's very interesting to me how others find out and connect/communicate their interest in kink.

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I take it this is the same girl you are talking about that you posted about approx 10 days ago. You said in that post you have not had sex yet, but fool around some. And now you are considering how to ask her to wet a diaper during sex? Sounds like too much too soon to me. Personally I would reject the idea if it were brought up to me by a parnter.

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I would suggest that you don't do it. I am sure that you can both get creative and not be so extreme. The tough thing about bringing sexual stuff up is that it can really backfire. If you ask for something so out of the norm, then it could really scare her. I would find out what she likes and if there is anything different she likes and do what she suggests. I am guessing you would be into anything that would give her pleasure.

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I agree that BDSM is an interesting area. Lately I've been curious about lots of things I never explored. You write it, and I'll read it.


shes2smart, I find your take on this interesting. I'm not personally drawn to BDSM, but from the responses I've seen on here I think a separate thread on the symantics and aspects of your life style would be interesting. I know it maybe an odd request for you to put your sex life under the microscope so to speak, but I think it would be educational for someone to explain what goes on in that form of sex play.


Oddly enough, a series of posts like that already exists.


About 2 years ago a question was asked about dominant females, which turned into an equipment discussion, a general discussion on BDSM, and the particulars of my life/relationship. It took a little digging, but I found it (thus saving myself tons of typing...)


I show up about page 2 or 3 and subsequent pages.


Go get a drink and a snack and make yourself comfy. I got rather long-winded in my posts.


If you still have additional questions or would like some other resources (books and so forth), feel free to PM me.



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I love my boyfriend dearly and accept every little bit of him. If he were to ask this of me I would be shocked initailly and I'd have to be given some time to let it sink in. I can't rightly say that I have any desire to do such a thing but if my boyfriend did I would be happy to fulfill the fantasy. I'll do pretty much anything at least once.


If what a previous poster replied was true, than you just started dating this girl a few days/weeks ago than I don't advise you to bring this up. Fetishes and fantasy's take a lot of trust and there hasn't been enough time in your relationship to develop an adequet amount. I think that for someone to agree to fulfill this fantasy in a way that would be enjoyable it would take a great amount and deep sort of love.


I think it would be best to put your energies on developing your relationship before you start working on having your fantasy fulfilled.

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