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when I met my ex-bf I was a certain type of person, and I think he broke it off with me (or rather he will do, we are on a break at the moment) because he wants me to change certain things about me...


Now I am a firm believer that sometimes it good to change and do new things and have your mind opened to new ways of thinking but today I have started to wonder that any person whether a friend or more initimate should accept you for what you are...warts and all...


Thats not to say that they should accept violent behaviour or anything like that, those things, should be changed...but say me..i am essentially a worrier and a caring person and like my own company and like to fuss...well he didn't like that and thought I should be more chill and laid back...that's changing the basic me and why should I?..If I accepted him the way he was then he should do the same, if not, then maybe it's not meant to be..


I would never allow or want any of my friends to change the way they are..I love them for the way they are...I met them like that..so why change

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