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My long gone daddy...


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You were my daddy,

You were always here.

You showed me the baddys,

And took away my fear.

Then one morning i woke up,

I looked everywhere for you daddy.

But you were no where to be seen.

I even asked mummy,

Where you could have been!

Mummy just looked at me,

A tear rolling down her cheek.

"Daddy left us baby,"

"What gone for another week?"

Little did i understand,

That you were truly gone,

No longer did i live,

in my little fairy land.

My light no longer shone,

Gone was the happiness,

That danced in my eyes.

All that now lurks,

Are the hidden lies.

So now i hope your watching from afar,

I hope you can see this scar.

Watch the blood poor out,

For now my wrist is bleeding.

My tears are crying out,

My heart now hoping.

That one day my daddy will return,

That maybe these tears will end,

That maybe these wrists will stop bleeding...

Yet deep inside this broken heart,

I know that you will never care.

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Rozi! that's beautiful and sad at the same time ~_~, I know how you feel I can relate my dad didn't leave us he just didn't care (Long Story) you can ask some other time, when I'm up to talking I'm sorry for the way you feel Iknow how bad it is. But stay strong I care bout you lots ^_^

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Your right Rozi! life isin't easy but we move on and even though it hurts we survive. We don't have much choice. Maybe it hurts more or less when it's by blood I don't know. I have never had a step dad or anything like that for personal reasons you can ask if you want in a PM or the next time we talk.


Luv Always, MG

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