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what do you mean by "chunky monkey's" ?????
friend, i appreciate that you would raise that quintuple-emphasized question when you perceived that someone had insulted an entire group of people, and i welcome you enthusiastically to ENA. once you've been here a little longer i'm sure you'll adapt to the convention of reading a whole thread before forming your conclusions, as the context was more than evident in my previous post, never mind that the one you read indicated that there had been one by me earlier in the thread.


petlady was correct, it was absolutely a term of endearment. Dako also hit the bullseye (as per usual for him) when he presumed me to be innocent. my humble thanks and a tip of the Dodger cap (Dako--Padres cap?) to both. Sylph, the Spidey Sense may need a little fine tuning, but no problem, bro.


i've been the one singing the praises of BBWs here, so let's all take a breath now and keep the thread on track for sweetheart.


for the uninitiated, BBW stands for "big beautiful woman", it's not an insult and like 'chunky monkey' it describes what i like for me. aight? cool.

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i like the way this is heading! eat up, ladies!


[edit: replaced a long and fiery rant with the simple statement that no one who knew anything about me--who i am, who i've loved, how i was raised or what i have done in my life--would ever dare to interpret anything that i said as even remotely racist.

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First off, I did read the whole thread.

I didnt accuse you of anything I just simply asked a question. I dont think anything is wrong with that. You really cant expect everyone on this forum to know your intentions, how you were raised or anything about your personal history. Some people may follow your posts, and those people offered an explination.


Let me just say this ...this is a forum on the internet, there are no facial expressions to be seen or tone of voice to be heard so if someone asks for something to be cleared up dont get offended. No accusations were thrown @ you.

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Ditto the above.


The fact that you said "look at all the 'chunky monkeys' that are coupled up with white guys", and mentioned white guys specifically just set off alarm bells. I know all too well how anyone, as nice a person as they seem can turn out to be racist, sexist, homophobic or have any other narrow minded opinions. Don't take it personally.

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points taken; thank you both. Faux, please note that i had already replaced the reactionary rant before your last post appeared. the fault was mine entirely. because i just don't think along racial lines, i unwittingly made a statement that could too easily have been misinterpreted. i am glad that we could clear it up and glad that neither of you tolerates racism any more than i do.


let me assure everyone that i have had close relationships with women of African, Asian, Hispanic and other ancestral backgrounds, and i would proudly add that two of my close family members have a black father.


ok, that buries that, i hope.


now... what was this thread about again? sexy women eating ice cream, i believe?

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