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How and who in the world would be affected if you died or never existed?

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Who would you cause grief to? Would anyone miss you? Would you change any events in others' lives? How significant are you to the world?


At the end of the day, how you imprinted on someones life and heart is the only true mark any of us leave on this earth and is what we are most proud of...


- My Mum


Of course I have an impact on the people in my lives - if I was never born, I guess their lives would be different I assume, my boyfriend would not be with me, I would not be the big sister of my siblings, I would not be my mother's first child. If I passed away, of course it would affect them, I would also hope they would still live a full life.


You don't have to be famous, or make a difference to thousands of people to still matter greatly.

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Why ponder this thought? Isn't there anything better that you have to think about then who would miss you and who would grieve you.


On a sidenote it seems you need contant reassuring about your looks, actions, etc have you ever thought of seeking someone to talk to about this? A professional?

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I too wondered what prompted you to ask these questions.


And to asnwer your questions.............


Yes I have lots of family and friends that love and care for me that I feel would grieve my loss, and would miss me. However , I would hope that they continued on with their lives in a productive manner.

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If I died I doubt anyone would know apart from my parents.


Even then I don't think they'd be that upset, it's not like we've ever been remotely close.


If I never existed then I guess a few people would be a lot less disturbed and a few people would probably have killed themselves, or found someone else to convince them not to kill themselves~

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One of my favorite movies is Butterfly Effect. I just really appreciate my friend and the only little family I have right now. After all today's my birthday, and people haven't really ever told me happy birthday much because I was raised a jehovahs witness. Even my dad who got dragged into the religion by my mom, sent me a text telling me happy birthday.

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Each of us have influenced others we don't even know of. After all, we're on enotalone! Every day we influence others to make positive changes in their lives and become better than they dreamed they could be.


I have assisted a lot of abused women I encounter on various forums online. I spend time emailing many of them to keep them motivated to leave, and motivated to stay away from their abusers once they have left.


I have brought laughter, smiles and tears to many eyes with my personality, my talents, and just from being me.


We are all here for a reason. Each of us have lessons to learn and to teach. Remember that.

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I reckon if I died the most obvious people who will be effected by my death would be my parents. They brought me in to this world so I guess it would hurt if I got taken out of it.


After that, I would say my close friends and my brother and sister.


The more I think about this the more I think about how people would benefit from me being dead. I often wonder what the world would be like without me, perhaps a better place and less arguments?


I like what DN said:


If you never existed every kind thing that you have done or will do would be missing from the world.


Thats very true DN


Miya xx

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I think its a great thread and a great opportunity to contemplate your existence.


What's with the philisophical stuff lately?


Anyway, this could be looked at as an opportunity to take hold of the future and make the difference you don't think you've made.


Looking back at my life so far, I can say with some conviction that i've offered very little to the world. I'm not being modest, just honest. I believe like DN said that were I not here, none of the things I've done would have happened, but would they be missed? Doubtful.


That said, if one were action oriented, they could correct or change this by doing SOMETHING that gives them a sense of accomplishment or worthiness.


The question tho - How significant to the world are you - is a good one and an opportunity in my eyes.

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I don't think anyone would really care if i died. I could be wrong, and if i am, i am cynical enough to think that it would be for the wrong reasons, such as i help them keep their lives together, or they wouldn't have anyone to give them a lift around on the weekends.


But thinking about it seriously, maybe a few people would miss me, for various reasons. I would like to think 1 or 2 people would miss me because they miss me, and not what i can do for them.


My sister committed suicide, and words cannot describe how much i miss her sometimes just for her company. And i miss her for what she used to do for me, but am getting passed that.


Depressing topic.

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