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She dumped me


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i went out with my girlfriend for 8 months. and last week she went on vacation, and i had camp. an there was this girl at camp who reminded me so much of my girlfriend that i started 2 like her or atleast i thought i did. an i wasnt going to lye to my girlfriend so i told her. later that day she dumped me. we both want 2 go back out but she says she cant trust me. i really wanna go back out with her but i dont no wut to do.

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Sorry sweetie, you've learned some VERY IMPORTANT lessons...


1) The seaweed is not ALWAYS greener in someone else's lake


2) Somethings are best left UNSAID, at least until you are sure


It sucks, but its part of growing up.


Right now, your girl is feeling hurt, embarrased, mistrust, etc., etc.


My only suggestion of how to get your girl back, is to remain faithful, trustworthy, continue treating her like a queen and be her friend. Eventually she will begin to feel comfortable with you again and the two of you may be able to move past this.


Don't push it though. Let her come to the conclusion herself (if you pressure, she will see this as a smoke screen and find it harder to trust you).


And, the next time you think you may have feelings for someone else, BE SURE before you say anything.


What is that line from that song... Be sure which side of the door your on before you close it... Something like that.


Good luck

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Get to her when she is alone, or at least without distractions. Indeed this will be tough, but flat out tell her "I just thought your friend reminds me of you, thats it, it didn't mean anything! Please trust me" Something to that effect. In short, just tell her what you posted. Speaking your feelings get good results.


Talk to her friends, metion how much you miss her. This info will leak through to your gf always.


Good luck

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