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I don't want him to leave

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My boyfriend and I have been together for 15 months and he wants to see other people. I love him so much and I hate the thought of giving him up and I really don't want to. We got in a little argument last night over seeing other people. I don't know how to tell him that I am not really for it and that I want to be with him forever. If you have any advice for me please help me and let me know. Thank you.

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hay i was reading your post and thinking i know its impropper to ask a lady her age but i think it would help people to help you.


anyway. if thats what he needs of thinks he needs i dont believe that there is anything you can do to change his mind. i think the first thing you should do is have a calm conversation with all that "i feel, i need" ect ect stuff in it and see what his response is. i believe the worst thing u can do is to say yes when you mean no. Dont be untrue to what you need.


also i believe that if it came to a crunch and you guys broke up he might fly high for a liitle while but would ultimatly just see what how much he misses you. i mean he obviosly still likes you. other wise he would have ended it. he might just be feeling the strain of a long relationship, whatever. who really knows.


What ever you do dont be untrue to what you need and smile



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