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Breast Implants..what's your guys' take?

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Okay, so lately I've been thinking about getting implants. What's your guys' thoughts on this. All different views and statements are wanted.

I thought of waiting until after children but I don't plan on being done having children for at least ten years and I really don't want to wait that long.

Also, I only want to go one cup size bigger, I just want them to be fuller..I hate huge boobs and I'm really skinny so that would throw me off balance anyway. Anyway, anyone who has gotten them that wants to give their input would be good too.

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As a man breast implants are a huge turn off.


I don't think I've ever seen breasts that have implants in them, that aren't really quite obvious. To my knowledge breast implants also significantly make the breast feel harder. Unless they really are going to be subtle I don't advise in favour of implants from an aesthetic point of view.

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Why? Why? Why?


lol. Ok, to be fair, I have never been in a position where I would ever even think about such a thing for myself. If anything, I want to make them smaller. Because, smaller boobs rock!


I've known one person to get it done. It cost her what could have been a sweet education fund. She was tall, A cuppers. Got them ramped up to small Cs.


She liked them, recovery went fine. But was devasted that things were basically the same. I mean - her life didn't change bc of it. She now wishes she would have used the money for something else.


There can be complications. I don't judge. For some people, it is simply something they'd like and they are happy with the results.


Just really, really consider exactly why you want them. Be sure your intentions are in touch with reality. I mean no offence: but plenty of women make it through the pysch screening and yet still have warped reasons for getting 'em. And that ain't good.


I don't like them myself. As per my friend above, I thought she looked better before she got it done. But like I said....it's not my body and it's not something I ever wanted.

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I am not a fan of implants either. They just aren't natural, there are risks associated, even with the newer, saline implants. I am a C cup, and although not HUGE, and pretty happy with what I was given.


My bf hates implants and would never want them either. He feels that natural is best, and I have to agree. It just seems weird to put foreign materials under your skin for the sake of vanity to me.


Not to mention that they can definitely affect breast feeding. Women I've taken care of in the hospital after giving birth who had implants had a very tough time breastfeeding, many could not. When you have babies your breasts will change anyway, and at your age they could still change. My breasts changed until I was about 26 or so- I was a B for a long while before that (and not a significant weight gain during that time).


Just my thoughts.

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I'm not sure if you're on birth control..but when I went on the patch...mine got MUCH bigger. I have a "C" cup and truthfully don't need implants..nor do I think I would want them. Too risky IMO. I worked with someone who got implants..and it was pointless because she always wore her shirt buttoned up to her neck. I never understood that at all...

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I am not a fan of them unless you are having a reconstruction for example after mastectomy, where your options can be limited if you do not want flap procedures (due to not having the body fat for it or wanting that sort of surgery). But, I think that is a very different case.


If you are super skinny too, I can say that even the most talented plastic surgeon would have a very hard time making them look the least bit natural..they will look like cantaloupes glued to your skin. They don't always look bad, but they are identifiable, more so if you are thinner framed.


It is also major surgery, which can have affects on you - permanent ones even. As well, you probably won't be able to breastfeed, and you will have a very hard time finding lumps in your breasts if you were to develop breast cancer (and you can't get mammograms either).


Don't forget, they also need maintenance..as in replacing every few years and that is even without complications.


Personally, I think you have to decide why you want them. If it is because you hope it will boost your self esteem, realize that it probably won't. It does not change whom you are. There is a reason people get addicted to plastic surgery when they seek it for those reasons.

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Starfall, that's great you had a good surgeon, and I agree your reason to have the procedure was certainly a valid one. And I agree with RayKay's thoughts on other situations that would merit it. Other than that, I would stay away from it...there are too many bad boob jobs out there, heck, even celebrities who can afford the best often seem to have terrible plastic surgury done on them.


My sister got implants several years ago, and now wishes she hadn't. She said that you really have to get them re-done every ten years or so, often sooner if difficulties occur, and now it's time for her to get them re-done. She really doesn't have the money and wishes she'd never embarked on the whole thing to begin with.

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I'm currently going throught the same questions myself. I'm currently an A cup and would like to be able to fill out a full C cup. I went on a few consultations and already set up a surgery date. The only thing is that my boyfriend/ex-boyfriend says I shouldn't do it/don't need it. My mother says I don't need it. The only person who says I should totally go for it is my sister (who has had them for 4 years now). She said they changed her life in a positive way, but she's in the entertainment industry so I can see why it would.


I thought my boyfriend/ex didn't want me to get them because he would be jealous of the attention I got and that's why he's saying no...but now I'm not too sure. Is it really a turn off???? Do you really see a woman with a nice rack and go..."yuck!" I honestly don't think guys do that...but I'm not a man so I don't know.


I've already set a date, but now I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing or not.

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Breast implants are a surgery that puts you under general anesthesia, which means you can die from complications. The incisions and cavity can develop horrible infections and you could be left with painful scars and have severe secondary infections and complications. Breast implants interfere with breast feeding and cancer screening. If you have a family history of breast cancer, it will be very difficult for mammograms to see tumors with the implants in the way. There is also the possibility of long term nerve damage to the breast areas, this would mean decreased sensation. Breast implants can burst, if they're saline the risk is less, but there are still silicone implants used (I believe only in reconstructive cases). Do not go for the lowest bidder, look up your doctors credentials and make sure they are from accredited universities and have kept up to date on their continued education.

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Is it really a turn off???? Do you really see a woman with a nice rack and go..."yuck!" I honestly don't think guys do that...but I'm not a man so I don't know.

Large breasts are a turn off for me but that's a different issue.


Unnaturally shaped breasts are the turn off.

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I thought my boyfriend/ex didn't want me to get them because he would be jealous of the attention I got and that's why he's saying no...but now I'm not too sure. Is it really a turn off???? Do you really see a woman with a nice rack and go..."yuck!" I honestly don't think guys do that...but I'm not a man so I don't know.


I've already set a date, but now I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing or not.


Not to be mean, but I'd be in the same boat as your boyfriend. To me, nothing screams "look at me" and insecurity more than a set of fake cans do. I'd say the same thing about a guy getting those calf implants, and god forbid the butt implants.

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Maybe it's because sometimes a girl can have fake breasts and no one would really be like "ugh, those are fake". They just think...mmmm...nice rack. I'm not talking about girls who are 90 lbs. and have DD's. I would have a rack that's proportional to my body.


I bet there are tons of girls all around that have implants and we probably don't even know that they have them..... I know I was shocked to find out one of my co workers have them... she doesn't look "fake" either.

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To me, nothing screams "look at me" and insecurity more than a set of fake cans do.


Ditto that. It's the truth. And heavensent, don't you think your husband will wonder if you are wanting other guys to look at you, if you go ahead and get these even though he has expressly told you he doesn't want you to?

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