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Forever incomplete


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Like a heart broken

Into so many pieces

That they aren't there

Shattered with eternity

Without a care

Without emotion or expression

Like a blank dream

No hidden catches

Twists or screams

Where has the emotion gone?

Why cant it seem-

Seem real any more?

Like the best ride at the theme park

Open without a queue

But your hearts not in it

You don't want to go through

Through with ride any more

Ups and downs

It's like spontaneousness

Being simply erratic

Can't get my head around this

Get around all these turns

Yet it's just so basic

It's like a pool with no water

The seaside with no sand


Why can't I pick up the pieces?

But it's not my job

Vacancy is taken

And you just walk by

You leave my shattered heart

Walking over it with ease

Here I am - forever incomplete

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