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"Really, for me, I wouldn't want the words YUCK, Ewwwww or Gross used in describing any part of my body. I'd be crushed. Even if someone was just talking about my toenails."


That is what I was getting at in my first post in this thread.

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Dako - you do know I was referring to your avatar - right??


Or maybe Dako IS the avatar, the the writer of the words goes by another name ... I think I'm off topic!

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For the record, my back is quite bare, but I feel compelled to gross you all out. In the 70s, many women stopped shaving, and I thought it was just fine. Hairy legs sure beat stubbly legs. Women are very pretty in their natural state. In fact a mustache or sideburns can be very seductive on some ladies.

There. I finally said it.


Marry me! lol. Wait, wait, that's too eager....

Let's run away to France together?!


Okay, I personally have no problem with hair. Back hair, belly hair, chest hair, whatever.

And if someone is gonna be with me...they certainly can not find hair gross. 'Cause I got lots of it.


And I agree with Ta-ra-saw: Ewww grossss should not refer to any one's body really. Not mine, not my lovers, not even that quirky kid down the street.

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geeeez.....you people are SO sensitive!! I'm not even with this guy! (he's an ex) that's probably why I'm being so blunt, because he is a total jerk!!! but I'm not saying there is anything wrong with guys that are hairy or even with a little hair on their backs...but this was EXTREME!!! Anyways.....no offense

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Sage[/b]"]Hairy legs sure beat stubbly legs.

Completely agree.


Women are very pretty in their natural state. In fact a mustache or sideburns can be very seductive on some ladies.

I've given up on my meal.




Back hair:

I can't say I have an opinion.

I don't have a particularly hairy back, but if I did, I would most likely be offended.

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geeeez.....you people are SO sensitive!! I'm not even with this guy! (he's an ex) that's probably why I'm being so blunt, because he is a total jerk!!! but I'm not saying there is anything wrong with guys that are hairy or even with a little hair on their backs...but this was EXTREME!!! Anyways.....no offense


Lol, u said u were making out with your last bf "the other day" and now he's your ex? The back must of been quite quite hairy


Quote from your last thread on 24/04


"Ok...So I despreatly ned help!!! I've been talking to this guy online for like a month and we decided to meet yesterday, so we met and he was AWESOME!! the chemistry was amazing and he felt the same way!! problem is..he lives an hour and a half away, this has us both concerned because we are the type of people who need that physical closenness!! we live an hour and a half away from each other and moving for either one of us is not an option as of now. Anyways basically, I need any advice possible on how to make this work for two people like us. PLEASE HELP!"


So AWESOME, but still, hairy back

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I guess I'm the oddball.


My boyfriend has the normal amount of hair on his body...


...according to the rest of the people in his family. Other people, however, would disagree.


But I love his hair. If he does something wrong, all I have to do is pull it!


I, personally, find it attractive, and I think that it would be more unattractive if he shaved it.


That's just me.



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I personally do not mind a hairy man. It is not a turn off for me, and I would never describe it as EEEEW, YUCK, or GROSS. Actually I think that hairy men are sexy, and love facial hair. beards, goatee, mustache on men as long as everything is clean cut and neat.


I suppose if a guy had a back that was so hairy that it made people do a double take when they see it , that it might be a bit much. You know like having a back like a gorilla or something. However if he were a really good guy, and treated me nicely, I surely wouldnt hold it against him for having gorilla hair on his back.


For me I see it as men are born to be hairy.

I guess we all have our preferences though on the hairy or not.

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Women are very pretty in their natural state. In fact a mustache or sideburns can be very seductive on some ladies.

There. I finally said it.

natural state--you go, boy! i always admire an independent thinker. i'm not into body hair of any type but i had a Greek girlfriend with a touch of peach fuzz and she was cute as a button.
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I know that I am jumping into this late but I thought I would put my 2 cents into this.


I prefer hair. Hairy chest hairy stomach and yes, hair on the back probally wouldnt bother me that much. My man has a hairy chest, stomach and just a little on the back I would never think that was gross.


For all those hairy men out there its a preference like anything else. You need to find the woman that would accept you as you are. I do not want my man to shave his chest, he suggested it and I told him.. No way please dont I like the hair and I meant it!


This brings to mind the time my cousin showed up for christmas wearing a turtle neck that covered every inch of his hairless upper body. he had recently shaved for his girlfriend. He knew I would give him a hard time. I told him she isnt worth it if she cant accept you exactly how you are! Break up with her the nerve of her wanting you to shave it all off! He did break up with her eventually and now has a girlfriend that doesnt mind the hair!



If it was so ewwwwwww to some people, they just arent well suited, like i said, its a preference.


Im very short and need a chair to reach my top cabinets or top of fridge (5'2") I bet some wouldnt like that either but if someone didnt, they arent right for me. Some things you just cant change you have to learn to live in the skin you are given and make peace with it.

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