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NOTHING kills the mood faster than a guy with an extreamly hairy back...yuck!! I was making out with my last guy for the first time the other day and I put my hands up the back of his shirt...and AAHH!!!!!! it was like a bear....groooossss!! Note to guys: if you have a hairy back please do us all a favor and SHAVE IT!

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I agree about the hairy back. I'm happy I don't have that except for this one very small patch of about 2 or 3 total hairs but I shave that.


I'm a big believer of no hair, whether it be back or pubes. I can only imagine what that is like to feel that from a woman's POV. But in comparison, if the underwear comes off and I see it down there too, I'm like ewwww as well (not loudly of course but just in my mind).

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Ok...I can understand some things may not be as attractive to you than other things but we also need to be sensative to others and show a little more compassion. No one is perfect nor should they be. Just my two cents.

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You guys/gals would have never survived in the age of Neanderthals:


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Humans have still yet to evolve hairless.


Hair vs. no hair is a preference. Everyone is entitled to a preference. Though if it's your BF/GF who you care about- you might not want to say "ew" or "gross" out loud and hurt their feelings, but rather communicate it in a more effective way like "I think a smoothe back is sexy", etc.


Don't pressure him or make him feel bad about himself.



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Hmm, it shouldn't have been a big shock, you mean you didn't notice in general he was hairy everywhere else?


My back is somewhat hairy (although quite fine) and I'm not about to shave it! I shave (or trim) other areas because I want to (facial, ears, nose, etc ....) but the back would be hugely tricky. Frankly, it does not seem to have been an issue at all for me. I suspect this isn't a stop sign for all women.

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well I hope the guys here who happen to have hair on their backs know that this is only yvette's opinion, and the recommendation she made or favor she asked for on behalf of "us all" is from her alone.


i don't happen to be share that opinion, at all....


love you hairy guys

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If you guy shaved it, you would put your hand on his back and feel sharp stubble instead!


While I don't go for the full-fur-coat thing that I know some men have, I would not say I get turned off by the normal amount of hair on a man!


In fact, I think hair on a man is pretty darn sexy. My boyfriend does not have a hairy back (minus the few stragglers of course), but he does have hair on his chest/stomach etc which he sometimes shaves all off, but honestly I think he is hot either way!


It's a preference, if you don't like it, don't be harsh about it or drag him to the waxing salon. Perhaps mention how you love a smooth back and see wehre it goes. But if he is a great guy, is a hairy back such a big deal?

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I don't really understand how a guy can shave his back either?


Yvette, are you still going to stay with this guy? I mean, it's one thing to not like it. But hair is the sort of thing you just can't control the growth of..

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NOTHING kills the mood faster than a guy with an extreamly hairy back...yuck!! Note to guys: if you have a hairy back please do us all a favor and SHAVE IT!


Well why not be nice and take him on a date to get waxed?

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I just have a problem with the words eeeeewwww gross and yuck when talking about a person.


I don't personally find hairy backs (with the exception of Dako's) attractive but I couldn't bring my self to say yuck.


Really, for me, I wouldn't want the words YUCK, Ewwwww or Gross used in describing any part of my body. I'd be crushed. Even if someone was just talking about my toenails.

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For the record, my back is quite bare, but I feel compelled to gross you all out. In the 70s, many women stopped shaving, and I thought it was just fine. Hairy legs sure beat stubbly legs. Women are very pretty in their natural state. In fact a mustache or sideburns can be very seductive on some ladies.

There. I finally said it.

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