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what are the positives of being single???

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Sorry I guess you could take my comment to mean that I get the bed, without having to shave my legs.


What I meant was, now that I'm single, I no longer have to shave my legs.


It was spose to be funny, darnit!

A guy with shaved legs would be funny, unless he came with the swimmers body...

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Teacup, I agree with you, it is great to not have to share a bed with another person when you are single. The ex used to hog up the whole bed as well as the blankets and he would toss and turn a lot to the point I would just sleep on the couch. Now, I can sleep on the whole bed and not worry about someone hogging up the bed.


Another thing that is good about being single, is not having to put up with hanging out with your SO and his teenage friends. Most of my ex's friends were all teenagers and we used to hang out with them playing computer games or Magic. YUCK!!!!


My ex snores could wake up the DEAD!!!!

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Yeah, have you ever walked in on your SO, and she/he is snoring and/or drooling.




Not sure how the flip side of this is that sleeping alone is sexy though?!!


It's a bit like saying having a shower with yourself is sexy?!/

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Sadly I have to admit I fell victim to Nads Australian Sugar Solution. Started with one strip which looks soo stupid and ended up with 2 hours of sheer pain....yeah i have hairy legs.

Yeek, at least it wasn't the Man-o-lantern. Fur is good on guys, it makes me want to pet you

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well.....i just think i look so sexy with my hair tousled, wearing skimpy clothes, curled up on my big bed like a lazy cat, and if any man saw me he would drool at my naked legs and flat tummy and half-arched back ~ it makes me feel sensual and sexy without actually having to be having sex. it's great!


if you have ever been to art museums and seen the naked statues, then it's not hard to imagine how beautiful the human form can be. and i feel beautiful that way. the best part is, no man is trying to grope or grab me. i almost feel like a work of art, especially because im young and i love it!





Not sure how the flip side of this is that sleeping alone is sexy though?!!


It's a bit like saying having a shower with yourself is sexy?!/

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There are a TON of positives to being single:


Get to spend time with those you ignored while in your relationship. Get to sleep around (if you choose). Get to take a class or pursue a new interest that you didn't have time to when you were involved. Get to take the time to find yourself again when you are single. Can flirt and not feel guilty. And the list goes on...

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There are a TON of positives to being single:


Get to spend time with those you ignored while in your relationship. Get to sleep around (if you choose). Get to take a class or pursue a new interest that you didn't have time to when you were involved. Get to take the time to find yourself again when you are single. Can flirt and not feel guilty. And the list goes on...


And can I add to this list:


-Get to remember that these are all things you should do in a relationship, well besides the sleeping around.

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Sadly I have to admit I fell victim to Nads Australian Sugar Solution. Started with one strip which looks soo stupid and ended up with 2 hours of sheer pain....yeah i have hairy legs.


Hair is sexy. But Im married so this is only an opinion of course.

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- being able to be totally selfish. No guys, I don't mean this in a bad way, but a 'do what you want, when you want, because you want to'.


-not having to second guess something because it could potentially piss off/harm your SO


-flirting back, if flirted to


-having your own schedule and not having to mingle the two


-being able to make new friends of both sexes without question...never had a jealous bf that way, but never made new guy friends out of respect


-being able to go out with your single girlfriends


-doing something solely for you.


- not having to remember birthdays and anniversaries. (for some reason, I always forget the latter)


-learning from your past mistakes, seeing your friends in relationships and determining what you want out of life, out of a relationship and what you will not settle for


- apart from summer coming up, not having to shave your legs as often, lol.


-having no one to clean up after, cook for, correct in my house -yes, it's like being a mother of an overgrown toddler.


-Sex and the city, desperate housewives marathons




- learning to become self sufficent all over again and realizing being single isn't the end of the word.


-being happy on your own.

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I gave up motorbiking in part to appease my ex, and for years missed the sensations of winding down a mountain road or cruising along the coast.


Last night I took a first ride on my new bike. It was absolutely magnificent. My ex, who also gave up riding is now envious.

Weird, huh?

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