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what are the positives of being single???

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1) Being able to do what YOU want to do WHEN you want to do it, without worrying about someone else's feelings.


2) Not having to worry about hurting someone else's feelings or emotions.


3) Able to concentrate on making oneself happy and discovering oneself w/o having to hide behind a SO.


4) being free to be yourself to pursue your own interests.


These are just some things that are positive when it comes to being single. Not saying I like being single either.

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Ok Gwen - I mean Yvette, and this is coming from someone who has been married for a while so I'm coming from the other side of the fence looking at your lawn thinking.."man, the grass sure looks greener on her side..."


Here are some of the positives I see about being single.


You don't have to answer to anyone but yourself

You can be selfish, and no one's going to throw it in your face.

Freedom of choice

Groceries are a LOT less expensive

Free time (wait, what's that?)

Silence, man i miss the silence


There's only you deciding what to watch and no one complaining about the choice you made.

You can pick the radio station and change it a million times. Who's gonna tell you to stop, the DJ's?? Nope...

When there's laundry to do, its yours so if it doesn't get done, no one cares.

If you clean and leave, when you come back, you don't have to re-clean.


Seriously, I could go on, and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....

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* Taking up the bed all to Me-self! ahhh...(and I don't care if i haven't shaved my legs)


* Not having to ever comprimise on which restaurant to go to. I want a steak for breakfast, dahmitt.


* There is no pee on my toilet seat


* None of his male friends to put up with (sure, you like some of them sometimes, but don't ya ever just want to tell em to shove it?!)


* Lots and lots of time to oneself. Girls nights anytime and no one to have to consider....only, do I want to do it? uh huh.

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-Self reflection.

-Learning to be truly independent and to fend for yourself.

-You can buy what ever groceries you want and no it is MORE expensive when you are single.

-Anyone you like can sleep over.

-The drivers seat in the car is never too CLOSE to the steering wheel.

-Knowing there will be excitement with the next SO!

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Not being wrong all the time about every conceivable thing on earth.


Gabbing with the boys at the cigar bar and getting home at 1 AM smelling like a forest fire and falling into bed fully clothed and nodding off until you have to got to work without answering a single question.


Reading an entire page without interruption.


Not having to stop the car every half hour on a trip to empty a walnut-sized bladder.


Sleeping diagonally accross the whole bed.


Never hearing, "So you're gonna wear that?"


No mother in law!


I'd give up this luxury for the right reason, but for now, the bed is all mine!!!!


No mother in law!


No mother in law!

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I like being alone because I don't have to worry about disrupting someone esle's schedule.

All the food I cook is stuff I like and all the stuff I like, not just what you both like.

I always have the remote control!!!

I can sit and think about the world without someone asking what I'm doing or what's for dinner.

I use ALL the hot water.

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My mother in law couldn't stand me. When my wife left, I actually felt some relief by thinking of her mother fading into the distance, her nagging voice getting fainter and fainter

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Dude if you ever, or can remember getting your heartbroken. That is one reason why.


I have this very nice "being single" collum that I will post later.


I think finding yourself is the main reason to stay single. I think you should just date as many woman as you can. Don't be a clingy wuss bag who needs a woman to feel like a man. Just let things come to you, because if you try to hard then you usually won't get anywhere.


I think you just need to get out there and have fun, just because your bored don't blame that on being single. Relationships aren't fun if you just get in one because your tired of being single.


You really have to learn to not care, work on that. Stop feeling alone and go find a passion, because getting married at 22 or into a serious relationship does NOT garentee happiness.

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i like being single. i never thought that i would be able to say this!! what i need are a few more good girl friends. then life would really rock! im actually acquainted with enough males. i dont have that much trouble getting male attention - suprisingly cuz most of the time im in my sweats!


but it's just nice.....it's just nice to be free. i was in that dark prison feeling like i couldn't survive without a guy. the abuser had me convinced, brainwashed, i didnt even know who i was anymore. i wasn't even really living, i was alive, i was breathing, my soul was carved out in pain. it is so refreshing not needing a male. not being looked at for sex. not being accused of doing stuff u didnt do. i got accused all the time of being a cheater, liar, deceptive, looking at other guys etc for NO reason at all. - UGH!


it feels REALLY good to be single. i mean, i still get anxious, nervous, scared....it's not easy to walk away from having been beaten down for so long by men and then to have to become strong and stand up for myself. but i feel i am getting to be a more beautiful person every "single" day of my life, and that my friend......is absolutely the bomb.

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he used to kick me on purpose and say that it was because he was asleep. he used to stretch his arm underneath my neck and make me lie like that. he would get mad if i wouldn't and say i didnt care about him. he would put his heavy leg onto of mine. it was awful.


sleeping alone is absolutely sexy, sensual and amazing!

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