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Dropping like Flys!!


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I keep loseing all the people I get close to because of the way I live. Yes, I will agree sometimes I make mistakes. Generally I am ok with my actions. All my friends think I am too different or that I dont connect with anyone.


Why should I change to much if I like who I am becoming? I have somethings I would like to change but even if I changed them I really dont think things would change that much with people not wanting to be around me.


I dont think I am a bad person but maybe I am and I just dont realize it?


I guess I have alot of thinking to do

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Hey Babes,


I completely agree with SwingFox. It is important to find yourself and it doesn't matter what you lose in the process. That doesn't mean to go out and actively try to lose friends (I mean unless that's who you truly are) just don't deny who you are for anyone. Friends, family, spouses, anyone. You have to find yourself or you'll never be truly happy. Who knows maybe you HAVE found yourself. If you think that's the case then I suggest finding new friends with similar interests.


I can tell from the numerous posts you've made you're not a bad person... in fact far from it. I wouldn't let what a few people have said or done get to you.


Just remember this, it's a little saying I made up: "People come and go but YOU have to deal with yourself everyday." It means be someone you like, someone that makes you happy and don't worry about anyone else.


I hope this helped.

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I can see how this situation must be upsetting for you especially if the people that you care about seem to not want to be your friend anymore. But honestly being happy about the person who you are is really one of the most important things that someone can have in life. If these people dont like you for who you are dont worry about it because you will find people that dont think you are a bad person and will really really love you for who and what you are. The people who count love you, and those who dont love you dont count!!

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I have no advise or insight to give other than the wise words that SwingFox already wrote to you.


I just had two little questions:

- I am just so very curious to what it is in the way you live that is different, and why your friends say you don't connect with anyone.

- Also, do you think are different from 'Anyone" also outside your circle of friends, and do you believe you wouldn't connect with "Anyone" in the world, or just in that particular circle of friends? (I am saying this because sometimes you just happen to meet the wrong people in your life that you somehow won't really connect with, while out there there might be loads of people who do accept you as you are..)


Just curious (I recognize it all)


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