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Just Hold On, Guys. Gosh, a positive post from ME!

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Brace yourself, this is AntiLove_SuperStar being unusually positive on Enotalone.


Today (in a relevant casual discussion, not just randomly) my boyfriend said "Emily, I love you" whilst looking right in my eyes, centimetres between our pupils.


Was punching the air, grinning and going "SCCOOOORRREEE!" an appropriate response? No matter, he must be able to live with the impulsivity by this point (7 months).


10 months ago or so I was almost dead as far as lovelife went, I lost someone I loved with if not every, then virtually every, fibre of my being. When I met Xal I didn't hold back exactly, but I was slower to get as attached. Then events overtook us for a while...his father's death, my Bipolar disorder being worse than it has ever been. It has not been an easy year this far, not at all. And there are many challenges yet to face - between us, we have illness, graduation, exams, moving house and more to deal with yet.


But as he drove me home in his (new - nice bonus-) car and then painstakingly unloaded a large canvas of mine he'd insisted on carrying round all afternoon in town just for a few hours of each others' time, I realised that even if we ended tomorrow, he's shown me that it is definitely possible to fall completely in love again, and that is frankly ****ing priceless.


Not in a clingy, needy way. Just in a very real way that means my heart smacks around like a gopher on crack at least once every 15 minutes when I look at him.

Reassuringly, there are even times when, by God, he really annoys me. But it's never for a grand total of more than say... 4 whole minutes?


I normally change my avatar more often, but I'm leaving this picture up of him awhile longer.


That's nauseating, isn't it? But I Don't Care.


Baby, I Just Don't Care Tonight!

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Hey Antilove - or shall we say PRO-love for a while - I know what you mean and can relate to the feeling that even if it ended you feel you'd be ok and comfortable with the lessons learned etc.


i think that's a totally awesome feeling. Sounds like a pretty heathy relationship. I'm glad for you. Sounds llike you've got one of the good guys.


I hope for you lasting happiness. Or at least that the intervals of annoyance decrease to 2 minutes per time....

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It is possible that you will chance your name to "Love Superstar"?


I'm very happy for you Emily, that is refreshing news indeed. Is that him on your avatar? He's cute- very dark colouring like you.

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